PEP 660: Editable installs for PEP-517 style build backends

Thanks. I would like to avoid having to pronounce on one of the two PEPs before the other is ready, so would you be OK if I delayed pronouncement for a little while?

@bernatgabor said here that PEP 662 is about 3 weeks away from being ready (he said “a month” about 6 days ago). That would mean I’d be looking at making a decision around the weekend of 17/18 July. @sbidoul is that OK with you?

@bernatgabor if you are going to struggle to make that deadline, I suggest you finalise your PEP without one or both of the POCs. Lack of POCs won’t harm your PEP’s chances as much as not being able to get consensus on an agreed design (I’d like to see at least an indication that @pganssle is OK with the final form of PEP 662, if it’s to be a serious contender for approval, as Paul was the main other person expressing strong reservations about PEP 660).