PEP 665, take 2 -- A file format to list Python dependencies for reproducibility of an application

Allowing for sdists and source trees is an open issue (and there are other open issues to discuss as well).

But the trick is how do you pin build dependencies? All you can actually pin is the builder, but not what it may need to do the build (i.e. you can pin what is specified using PEP 517, but that isn’t the complete story). It also then makes it so the installer has to have complete resolution logic as you can’t know ahead of time what the source tree will require to be installed once built, and this is very likely true for an sdist as well (unless they fill out their PKG-INFO, use core metadata 2.2, and don’t have Requires-Dist marked as dynamic). As of right now the installer’s logic is much simpler on purpose so as to not require a complete SAT solver.

That was an explicit ask in the last round to make it easy to know when the lock file may be out of date based on someone’s personal experience with requirements files.

Good point. Unfortunately there’s no way to resolve that conflict, so we will have to choose which use case is more important.

Sure, happy to figure out a way to pull it in.

That’s the point that @frostming made and it seems like a good point, so I will change the PEP to say the date time must be in UTC but otherwise leave the format requirements to the TOML spec.

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