PEP 684: A Per-Interpreter GIL

Agreed. The PEP shouldn’t need more than that.

That said, a thread-safety restriction on the allocators is the simplest way forward for a safe 3.12 (under a per-interpreter GIL). Or were you talking only about the constraint on extension modules?

Do you mean if someone sets a custom mem/object allocator then subinterpreters with their own GIL should not be allowed? That is reasonable, if we don’t have enough information to conclude that existing custom allocators (used with PyMem_SetAllocator()) are thread-safe.

What would this do?

Yeah, that’s a race we’d have to resolve. However, rather than disallowing it, I’d expect a solution with a granular global lock, like we have for the interpreters list.

Right. We’d have to do something like leave the current allocator in place and return. Then you’d have to call PyMem_GetAllocator() afterward to see if your allocator is set. A function that returned a result could be helpful.

Regardless, it would make more sense to me if we had a separate API for wrapping the existing allocator after init (e.g. PyMem_WrapAllocator()). Then PyMem_SetAllocator() would apply only to the actual allocator and only be allowed before runtime init. However, that is definitely not part of this PEP (nor necessary for it).
