PEP 694: Upload 2.0 API for Python Package Repositories

Since we’ve been talking about which urls to use: It would be great if a future protocol would support a single (base) url for both fetching metadata and uploading packages. Currently, it’s a major user confusion for that publishing takes a different url than registry url for installation. This becomes more pronounced when using tools such as poetry and uv that integrate both installation and publishing.

Could you provide more detail on this confusion? I ask because I think in general, most users and uses aren’t really presented with the download and upload endpoints. They just use pip or uv or whatever and that takes care of things for them, modulo of course any additional indexes they may need to reference.

In my PR update to 694, when you create a session, the response returns a JSON structure to the client with explicit URLs to use for uploading artifacts, getting statuses, publishing the stage, etc.

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For pypi this is abstracted away by being the default, but for alternative registries, the user currently needs to provide both URLs themselves, e.g. FR: Ability to publish to Azure Artifacts · Issue #7860 · astral-sh/uv · GitHub.