PEP 700: Additional Fields for the Simple API for Package Indexes

@dstufft Another gentle reminder on this one…

Sorry that this dropped off my radar. I just sat down and re-read the entire thing and I’m happy to accept it!


Thanks! I’ve submitted PEP 700: Mark as accepted by pfmoore · Pull Request #2934 · python/peps · GitHub to mark it as accepted.

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I’ve opened Support PEP 700 · Issue #90 · brettcannon/mousebender · GitHub to track adding support in mousebender. Since this is mostly just a TypedDict change I’m hoping I can get to it over the holidays.

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Release 2022.1.0 · brettcannon/mousebender · GitHub has both PEP 700 support as well as functions to help normalize all simple repository API responses to the JSON format regardless (see parse_project_details() and parse_project_index()).

I also forgot to mention in the PEP 691 update for mousebender that its dependencies were stripped down to packaging and typing-extensions, so bootstrapping/vendoring should be possible.

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I’ve opened Add support for PEP 700 by di · Pull Request #12727 · pypi/warehouse · GitHub to add support to PyPI.