I don’t have anything to add to the benchmarking discussion, but I have a thought about compatibility.
It seems unquestionable that nogil requires some work from extension module maintainers before an extension is considered safe to use in the nogil world. It also breaks the ABI (if only by changing the meaning of the bits in ob_refcnt
Regardless of whether that’s a reason to proclaim that nogil is Python 4, this is likely to create a rift between modules that are nogil-compatible and those that aren’t.
If there’s one lesson we’ve learned from the Python 2 to 3 transition, it’s that it would have been very beneficial if Python 2 and 3 code could coexist in the same Python interpreter. We blew it that time, and it set us back by about a decade.
Let’s not blow it this time. If we’re going forward with nogil (and I’m not saying we are, but I can’t exclude it), let’s make sure there is a way to be able to import extensions requiring the GIL in a nogil interpreter without any additional shenanigans – neither the application code nor the extension module should have to be modified in any way (and that includes being able to run extensions build with ABI 3.x for some x).