PEP 704 - Require virtual environments by default for package installers

I share most of the concerns brought up above, particularly :

At the end of the day, if import resolves to something, then foo is “installed” independent of how the import mechanism discovered it, how the those files (if any!) ended up on disk, or if there is any metadata files floating around. While pip and venv are obviously very privileged implementations of how to install packages and isolate things given their relation to core Python, they are by far not the only, and in many cases not the best solutions, to these problems. Please be careful that these privileged tools do not become overly indexed for the kinds of use cases that their maintainers happen to have.

Related, this proposal seems to take as given that in-tree virtual envs are the best (or at least sufficiently consensus best) option and should be suggested as the “standard”.

This pattern prevents having multiple envs with different versions of Python/dependencies/both for the same project because it picks a privileged name / location. Further, it makes it very awkward (particularly coupled with auto-activate / discovery based on cwd) to work on multiple projects that interact with each other (e.g. multiple libraries that depend on each other or a library and an application that uses it).

I do not think these are “fringe” or “advanced” use cases. In the sciences a very common pattern, and one that is being actively encouraged, is to put the reusable parts of the analysis into a library and have a separate “application” which uses it for the (embargoed) science analysis. In my now ~15 years of using Python, I am not sure I was ever in a situation where in-tree was a suitable, let alone ideal, solution.

That in-tree venvs is encouraged by some tools as also lead to pain in downstream projects when users have checked the whole venv in and required re-writing history (see Minor re-writing of history and moving from master to main for default branch - Development - Matplotlib) and any search for a function from Matplotlib on GitHub to estimate actual usage is completely spoiled by the many (many) people who have committed the whole venv to their hello-world project.

A better solution is for the pip that conda ships to simply patch out this behavior (or at least change the default)