PEP 713: Callable Modules

Is there __setattr__ support?

There is a parallel thread proposing to add that:

As mentioned there one downside of setting __class__ is that it slows down all attribute access and reading attributes from a module is very common (np.sin(...) etc).

In ordinary Python code modules are namespaces and their interface is only expected to provide attributes. The __getattr__ proposal (PEP 562) has a clear motivation around accessing deprecated attributes. PEP 562 also added __dir__ which is for listing attributes. The __setattr__ proposal in the other thread is motivated by wanting to disallow (or warn about) setting attributes in cases where it could be a likely user error to do so. I don’t see why any special support should be added to encourage defining modules that have unusual features besides attribute access: most other operations should generally be expected to give TypeError.

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