PEP 752: Implicit namespaces for package repositories

Since last time, I landed a PR which did the following:

  1. Expressed the use case for open/restricted namespaces in the motivation section.
  2. Made it clear that the current automatic protection against typosquatting used by PyPI is insufficient.
  3. Added examples of attacks to the appendix.
  4. Fixed versioning of the JSON API.
  5. Rejected the idea of encouraging projects to maintain their own package repositories.
  6. Rejected the idea of fixed top-level prefixes used for reservations.
  7. Rejected the idea of using DNS.
  8. Expressed in the rationale that using PEP 541 requests in addition to this proposal would minimize risk to users.
  9. Added a community buy-in section enumerating feedback from relevant projects and communities.

It’s not a very robust heuristic but in my mind I’m mapping all feedback that is not in favor as a proponent of explicit namespaces.

I agree but didn’t want to have a rejected ideas section in both proposals so I put it in 752.

The concept of open/restricted (final naming) has, since the very first draft, being a setting on a grant and not a separate type of grant. I’m not quite sure where that came from?

I don’t want to go into it on this thread because it’s about policy but the original reason for encouraging grants for community organizations to be open was for two reasons:

  1. Projects from such organizations are in most cases comprised of at least some packages maintained unofficially and therefore this was a preventative measure to avoid the possibility of closing an ecosystem.
  2. In practice it will be significantly easier to get an application accepted for such organizations than expected which may exacerbate 1. to a level where it happens regularly and taints the perception of the Python community as a whole.

I think the cynical view is not correct and I’ve added a rejected idea Encourage Dedicated Package Repositories.

PyPI without a doubt, and likely packaging tooling after a year or two.