Pinning GNU Autotools using the GitHub container registry

I can take a look a bit later, but my understanding is that a Personal Access Token should not be necessary, the Action should be able to publish packages to GHCR with its built in authentication if the correct permissions are set.

IIUC, Token would be necessary, I am also discussing with @ambv about it too.

@corona10 secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN should work. I implemented publishing to GHCR for Sphinx in sphinx-docker-images/.github/workflows/build-ci.yml at master · sphinx-doc/sphinx-docker-images · GitHub, I’d be happy to help with the devcontainers publishing.



Good, let me check!

Cool it works!!

@EWDurbin @ambv okay we don’t need PAT token anymore :slight_smile:

cc @erlendaasland @brettcannon


That link is a 404 for me.

We may need to update visibility into the public by admins!

Visibility set to public for autoconf and devcontainer!


During the sprint, I, @erlendaasland, and @brettcannon replaced the current container images to use our own images through Replace container images to packages from cpython-devcontainers · Issue #124612 · python/cpython · GitHub

Thanks to all the people supporting this task :slight_smile:
My next target is migrating the Gitlab CI repo to here. I will pile the new topic about this. If someone has an interest. Stay tuned! cc @barry