Pip freeze, vcs urls and pep 517 (feat. editable installs)

Posting raw reST is what works best, indeed.

New post created. @pf_moore , I improved the text to address your first remarks.

I would put something like “Draft PEP” / “Proposed PEP” in the title so it’s obvious to people perusing the topics.

@cjerdonek I updated the post title.

BTW, did my post to distutils-sig get through? I posted through the mailman UI.

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Yep, both went through.

“Install from VCS” and “editable install” are two orthogontal ideas. A VCS can be installed either editable or not, and an editable install can either come from VCS or not. Editable installs, in general, is a good thing to have (albeit impossible to be theoratically correct), and I believe is essential.

I agree completely. But is there any work going on a PEP to standardize the editable installs? I saw the input later in this thread about VCS metadata, but for me (and I believe everyone who develops with some kind of build step) the editable install feature is very pressing. Is there ongoing discussion about that?

Not really yet. (There are a lot of packaging topics competing for people’s mindshare at the moment.) But it has been suggested as a topic to talk about at PyCon US coming up very soon: Packaging Mini Summit (PyCon US 2019): Topic Suggestions - #6 by pganssle

I’ve been brewing some thoughts about this, and plan to start a thread here this weekend if I can find the time, hopefully helping people discuss it during PyCon (I can’t attend in person).


@uranusjr Please do. Even if it’s not discussed in person at PyCon, the earlier we start the conversation the better. :slight_smile: