Problems with TypeIs

Code sample in pyright playground

from typing_extensions import TypeVar
from typing import Generic, Container

X = TypeVar("X", str, int, str | int, covariant=True, default=str | int)
Y = TypeVar("Y")

class A(Container[X]):
    def __init__(self, *items: X, other: X):
        self._items: Container[X] = items
        self._other: X = other

    def __contains__(self, x: object, /) -> bool:
        return self._items.__contains__(x)

class B(Container[X], Generic[Y, X]):
    def __init__(self, *items: X, other: Y):
        self._items: Container[X] = items
        self._other: Y = other

    def __contains__(self, x: object, /) -> bool:
        return self._items.__contains__(x)

def takes_container(x: Container[int]):

def example():
    a: A[int | str]  = A(1, other="this")
    a2: Container[int] = a
    b: B[str, int] = B(1, other="this")
    b2: Container[int] = b

This matches both my intuition and what type checkers do, and what is specified about the behavior of type variables.

to be clear, I agree that class B(A[X]) means all B[X] are A[X], and same with class B(A[X], Generic[X]), for the same reason that class B(A) means that all B are A