(pssst) Let's treat all API in public headers as public

That is true, but it also doesn’t seem very related to the Python C API, is it? Most of NumPy (excluding tests) is written in C with some Cython, just like most of PyArrow (excluding tests) is written in C++ with some Cython.

I’ve worked on Python scientific packages for a number of years (most of all Numba, Dask, PyArrow), and the cases where the Python C API is important for performance are rather rare.

The main item is quick type testing and boxing and unboxing of Python objects. And, actually, it may be useful to have C APIs to do that on several elements at a time. For example, unboxing a C array of int32_t from a Python sequence of int objects, and being able to do it fast.

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A first step towards such use case is a first API to get a read-only view of an array of object: PyObject_AsObjectArray(), C API: Add PyObject_AsObjectArray() function: get tuple/list items as PyObject** array · Issue #106593 · python/cpython · GitHub I also propose there a generic concept of “resource” to have an explicit lifetime: generic API to “release a resource” (in short, it’s just a callback function hidden through a public API).

And yeah, it would be nice to have a similar API for integer types. Maybe Py_buffer somehow already fit into this use case? I’m not sure.

It doesn’t. Py_buffer gives you a view over existing memory, it doesn’t convert Python objects to raw arrays.

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Oh sorry, I understood that you wanted to export an array of integers as… an array of integers, of the same size :slight_smile: Here you’re asking to unbox a sequence of Python objects as integers, ok.

I documented these private C API removals in What’s New In Python 3.13:

  • Remove many APIs (functions, macros, variables) with names prefixed by
    _Py or _PY (considered as private API). If your project is affected
    by one of these removals and you consider that the removed API should remain
    available, please open a new issue to request a public C API and
    add cc @vstinner to the issue to notify Victor Stinner.
    (Contributed by Victor Stinner in :gh:`106320`.)

Maybe I will regret later suggesting people to ping me :slight_smile: