Summary: Work continues on the Multi-Factor Authentication task within Milestone 1, Security Feature Development. TOTP-based two-factor auth has rolled out for everyone, and we’re close to shipping the beta of WebAuthN support (e.g., Yubikeys) for y’all to test. Here’s a rough recording of TOTP and WebAuthn in action (activation, login, deactivation, etc.). And soon we’ll start accessibility work as well.
We had a short planning meeting today; notes are on the wiki.
Security: Yes, you might be able to start wielding your Yuibkeys and similar access tokens for 2FA on PyPI as early as next week! I’ll be announcing rollout dates as soon as we have them; we may do a beta similar to what we did for TOTP, or we may just push it live to everyone but with a badge cautioning that WebAuthn is a beta feature. We don’t have a proper feature flag system so user access to the private beta was a bit of a pain.
Accessibility: Nicole (our UX and frontend expert who’s been creating and improving 2FA UIs) has time available right now, so once we’ve finished WebAuthn, we’re going to temporarily switch to accessibility work – the next OTF-funded milestone – to give her tasks to do. Volunteer Mattias Östblom, a front end developer working at Axess Lab, did a light accessibility review of PyPI about a year ago, and practically all those issues still need fixing (if you’re reading this, feel free to dive in), but the first step in our funded accessibility work is going to be a full proper audit.
Thanks to volunteers MattIPv4, alanbato, Ernest W. Durbin III, Dustin Ingram, and Donald Stufft in particular for writing and reviewing Warehouse code in the past few weeks! (Including on cross-origin requests, a clearer security policy, rate-limiting TOTP submission, and a fix to 2FA notification.)
You can help too!
- Help add this small feature that Brett Cannon requested: Document recommend keys for project_urls
- Turn Dustin’s troubleshooting recommendation into documentation within Warehouse’s FAQ or
- Tell us what project Owners should see that Maintainers shouldn’t see in the audit log (so: if you maintain a PyPI package with other people, how do you use the owner/maintainer distinction?)
- Ask your friends who maintain packages: could they spare a little time to help as user test subjects?
Thanks to OTF for their support for the PyPI & Warehouse work!