Python Developers Survey 2024 is now open: respond and share!

Can you share the survey questions and answers to translate it to other languages?

Apologies for the delayed response- I am checking in on this and will let you know what I find out!

We reached our respondent goal for the 2024 Python Developers Survey- and much earlier than last year! Thanks to everyone who participated to help us understand how our community is using Python :snake::computer:

Thank you to Georgi Ker, Takanori Suzuki, Denny Perez, Ali Tavallaie, & Han Lee for your contributions to the promotion kit! :blue_heart::yellow_heart:

@tavallaie, I am noting for next year’s survey to work with the community during the preparation phase to get more translations incorporated. The response from the administrators, JetBrains, was positive, but it was too late to add more translations for this year.


How about the issue of its focus, apparent on the language used and questions asked, being professional software developers so that “end-user programmers”, people teaching Python, or in research/academia, and hobbyists, feel completely out of place answering the survey?