Python.exe failed to run access denied at line:1 char:1


I am facing an issue while running python 3.9.13 (OS : Windows)
During installation python has been added to path variable and works fine via cmd (admin access)

With non-admin user on executing any script or even running python command its gives error

For e.g. <> #has content → print(“Hello World”)

On executing command < python> on cmd (non-admin user/ IDE (pycharm)

I get output as below,

Hello World
“program python exe failed to run access is deniedat line 1 char 1”
+ python <script_name>
+ At line : 1 char : 1
+ python <script_name>

** + CategoryInfo : Resource Unavailable : (:slight_smile: , ApplicationFailedException**
** + FullyQualifiedErrorID : NativeCommandFailed**

Running cmd/IDE as administrator works fine but issue persists when executed as non-admin user.

If you installed Python for the Administrator user only, then only the Administrator user will be able to use it.

Installation is user specific (C:\User<Username>.AppData\Local\Programs\Python)

Path variable did point to the same path…