Python Help Needed - I have an urgent need to complete this project

I have this coding project to do:

Here you will find the description for the programming assignments. Remember, this is

a learning experience, and you are encouraged to utilize other forms of resources to

complete these assignments.

All assignments below will be accounted towards your final grade.

There are multiple ways to complete some of these assignments. As long as they are

outputting results as intended, that’s fine. If sys.argv is not used to test CodeGrade

cases, points will be deducted at the end of the semester.

General rule for CodeGrade:

● If importing a certain package is not necessary, do NOT import it. If you do so,

CodeGrade will throw an error message.

○ For example, you do NOT need to packages such as:

■ “import matplotlib.pyplot as plt”

■ “import seaborn as sns”

■ “import sklearn”

■ and etc.

○ If you do, even if the rest of your code is correct, CodeGrade will mark it

as wrong.

● CodeGrade is case-sensitive to .py file submissions.

○ For example, submitting “” instead of “” will throw an


● For assignments that use csv files, you do NOT need to upload the .csv to

CodeGrade because it’s pre-loaded.

● You will NEVER have to use input() for any CodeGrade uploads.

General Python


● Create a program called that has a function that takes in a string

then prints the number of unique vowels in the string (regardless of it being upper

or lower case).

● For example:

○ The argument “swEet” should print 1

○ The argument “AaaaeeE” should print 2

● Create a program called that has a function that takes in a string

and prints the number of capital letters in the first line, then prints the sum of their

indices in the second line.

● The string “hEllo, World” would should look like this:


● Create a program,, that has a function that takes in a string argument

and prints a sentence indicating the shortest word in that string. If there is more

than one word print only the first. Your print statement should read:

“The shortest word is x”

Where x = the shortest word. The word should be all uppercase.

● Create a program,, that has a function that takes one string

argument and prints a sentence indicating if the text is a palindrome. The

function should consider only the alphanumeric characters in the string, and not

depend on capitalization, punctuation, or whitespace.

If your string is a palindrome it should print:

It’s a palindrome!

If it is not a palindrome, it should print:

It’s not a palindrome!

*Note: please copy and paste these versions into your code because the type of

apostrophe can differ between IDEs, command line, etc.


● Do NOT use elif statement or nested if-else statement for this assignment. You

should only need one single if-else statement at most (points will be deducted if

more than one single if-else statement is used or the dictionary is changed).

● Create a program,, using the following dictionary:

relations = {‘Darth Vader’:‘father’, ‘Leia’:‘sister’, ‘Han’:‘brother in law’,

‘R2D2’:‘droid’, ‘Rey’:‘Padawan’, ‘Tatooine’:‘homeworld’}

● The program will take one argument, corresponding to one of the relations’ keys.

The program will print out the statement:

“Luke, I am your x”

Where x = the relationship.

● For example:

○ If the argument is Leia, it should print “Luke, I am your sister”

○ If the key is ‘Darth Vader’ it should instead print “No, I am your father”

● Use this exact dictionary to complete this assignment (Do NOT add or delete

anything from this dictionary. This dictionary should remain the same throughout

your codes - points will be deducted if dictionary is changed):

grades = {‘Biology’:80, ‘Physics’:88, ‘Chemistry’:98, ‘Math’:89, ‘English’:79,

‘Music’:67, ‘History’:68, ‘Art’:53, ‘Economics’:95, ‘Psychology’:88}

● Create a program,, that takes an argument (subject) and prints the

average score excluding that subject, to two decimals.

● For example:

○ If the argument is Biology, it should print 80.56

○ If the argument is Chemistry, it should print 78.56

● Use this exact dictionary to complete this assignment (Do NOT add or delete

anything from this dictionary. This dictionary should remain the same throughout

your codes - points will be deducted if dictionary is changed):

gpa_dict = {‘A’:4.0, ‘A-’:3.66, ‘B+’:3.33, ‘B’:3.0, ‘B-’:2.66, ‘C+’:2.33, ‘C’:2.0,

‘C-’:1.66, ‘D+’:1.33, ‘D’:1.00, ‘D-’:.66, ‘F’:0.00}

● Create a program,, that takes four letter grade arguments and prints

out the corresponding GPA, to two decimals. Your program should work both in

arguments are upper-case and lower-case.

● Your program should print in the form:

“My GPA is x”

Where x = GPA calculation

List & Sets

● Create a program that has a function that takes one integer argument.

The function will print a list of all values between 3000 and 5000 that is divisible


  1. the integer argument

  2. the integer argument + 7

  3. the integer argument ^ 2

● For example, if the integer argument is 6, it should print:

[3276, 3744, 4212, 4680]


a. Your autotest cases will NOT work if you don’t load your sys.argv like

below. For this assignment, load in your variables like this:

set_a = sys.argv[1:]

set_b = [‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘mango’, ‘orange’]

b. The above set_a is a list-type variable which contains words.

c. Your order may be different for the examples below because sets are


● Create a program, Your program should:

a. Find the common words between set_a and set_b.

b. Print the output in a set format.

● Example 1 - If the set_a is [‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘pear’, ‘grape’], the program should


{‘banana’, ‘apple’}

● Example 2 - If the set_a is [‘mango’, ‘mango’, ‘mango’, ‘pear’, ‘grape’], the

program should print:



a. Your autotest cases will NOT work if you don’t load your sys.argv like

below. For this assignment, load in your variables like this:

set_a = sys.argv[1:]

set_b = [‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘mango’, ‘orange’]

b. The above set_a is a list-type variable which contains words.

c. Your order may be different for the examples below because sets are


● Create a program, Your program should:

a. Find the words that exists in set_a but are not in set_b.

b. Print the output in a set format.

● Example 1 - If the set_a is [‘apple’, ‘cherry’], the program should print:


● Example 2 - If the set_a is [‘apple’, ‘mango’, ‘pear’, ‘grape’], the program should


{‘grape’, ‘pear’}



○ Your autotest cases will NOT work if you don’t load your sys.argv like

below. For this assignment, load in your sys.argv like so:

my_ints = sys.argv[1:]

○ The above my_ints a list-type variable which contain numbers that are

string-typed (ex. [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’])

● Create a program, Your program should:

  1. Convert these string-type integers into integer-type.

  2. If the number within the list is divisible by 3, multiply it by 10, then replace


● For example:

○ If your my_ints = [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’], your output should be [1, 2, 30, 4, 5]

○ If your my_ints = [‘3’, ‘30’, ‘1’, ‘15’, ‘10’], your output should be [30, 300, 1,

150, 10]


a. Your autotest cases will NOT work if you don’t load your sys.argv like

below. For this assignment, load in your sys.argv like so:

loop_list = sys.argv[1:]

b. The above loop_list a list-type variable which contain numbers that are

string-typed (ex. [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’])

● Create a program, Your program should:

a. Convert these string-type integers into integer-type.

b. For each of the numbers in the list, add its own index position.

● Example 1 - If the argument is [‘5’, ‘5’, ‘5’], the program should print:

[5, 6, 7]

● Example 2 - If the argument is [‘4’, ‘11’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘1’], the program should print:

[4, 12, 2, 3, 5]


● Create a program, You are given a single string argument. Print a

dictionary where the keys are composed of each letter from a word and values

are the sum of each letters’ appearances. The key order should be in the order of

the letters’ appearances.

● Example 1 - If the word is “good”, the program should print:

{‘g’: 1, ‘o’: 2, ‘d’: 1}

● Example 2 - If the word is “onomatopoeia”, the program should print:

{‘o’: 4, ‘n’: 1, ‘m’: 1, ‘a’: 2, ‘t’: 1, ‘p’: 1, ‘e’: 1, ‘i’: 1}


a. Your autotest cases will NOT work if you don’t load your sys.argv like

below. For this assignment, load in your sys.argv like so:

duck_goose = sys.argv[1:]

b. The above duck_goose a list-type variable which contains lower-cased

words, either ‘duck’ or ‘goose’ (ex. [ ‘duck’, ‘duck’, ‘goose’]).

● Create a program, which removes all the ‘goose’ within the list

then print the remaining list.

● Example - If the duck_goose is [‘goose’, ‘duck’, ‘duck’, ‘goose’, ‘goose’], the

program should print:

[‘duck’, ‘duck’]


a. Your autotest cases will NOT work if you don’t load your sys.argv like

below. For this assignment, load in your sys.argv like so:

duplicated_words = sys.argv[1:]

b. The above duplicated_words is a list-type variable which contains a whole

bunch of lower-cased words (ex. [‘hello’, ‘world’, ‘welcome’, ‘hello’, ‘again’]).

● Create a program, It should:

a. Remove all duplicate words from the list

b. Then print it in descending order of alphabets (from Z to A).

● Example 1 - If the list is [‘hello’, ‘world’, ‘welcome’, ‘hello’, ‘again’], the program

should print:

[‘world’, ‘welcome’, ‘hello’, ‘again’]

● Example 2 - If the list is [‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘apple’, ‘orange’, ‘pear’, ‘banana’], the

program should print:

[‘pear’, ‘orange’, ‘banana’, ‘apple’]


● Create a program called that has a function that takes four integer

arguments. Those arguments should be put into an Numpy array.

● The function will have two print statements.

○ The first will print the type of the array you create (which should be <class


■ For this, DO NOT just do print(“<class ‘numpy.ndarray’>”)

○ The second will print the multiplication of the four items in your array.

● Your output could look like this (it could differ in parts):

<class ‘numpy.ndarray’>


● Create a program called that has a function that takes two integer

arguments and prints a Pandas dataframe. The two arguments will correspond

to the number of rows and number of columns, respectively. The dataframe

should be filled with random integers from 0 to 100.

● Set your numpy random seed to 56.

○ Note: Use random from numpy. Otherwise, you might get a different result.

● Create a program called that has a function that takes in three

arguments and prints one integer. Set your numpy random seed to 42.

○ The first argument should correspond to the size of a np.randint that has

values from 0 to 10.

○ The second is an integer that you will multiply the randint by.

○ The third argument is a value you will index the result of the multiplication


● The program should not crash if the third value is larger than the first.

● You will print the integer that was indexed as ‘Your random value is x’ where x =

the result of the indexing.


● Use the president_heights.csv file to complete the assignment. Create a

program,, that takes two arguments. These arguments will

correspond to the start and stop of a slice, respectively. It will slice the heights

column in the president_heights.csv files.

● Read in the csv data like so:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(“president_heights.csv”)

● Then print off the average height, rounded to two decimals, of the selected

presidents in the following form:

“The average height of presidents number x to y is z”


● x = start of the slice

● y = end of the slice

● z = calculated average

Note: There would be 6 presidents if the “The average height of presidents

number 4 to 10 is …” (Think in terms of index slicing when it says 4 to 10)


Note : In the following statsmodels assignments, some information in the ‘Expected

output’ portion uses regular expressions to allow for more flexibility in answers. Any

expected output with curly braces (e.g., .{0,}71.73) is a regular expression, and you only

need the non-curly braces portion to get credit (e.g., 71.73). Do not attempt to have the

regular expression as your output.

● Use the fastfood.csv file to complete the following assignment. Create a file,, that loads the .csv file and runs a regression predicting calories from

total_fat, sat_fat, cholesterol, and sodium, in that order. Add a constant using


● Then, print the following to two decimals





● Use the german_credit_data.csv file to complete the following assignment.

Create a file,, that loads the .csv file and runs a regression predicting

credit amount from age and duration, in that order. Add a constant using


● You will need to rename the column ‘Credit amount’ to ‘Credit_amount’.

● Then, print the parameters and R-squared to 2 decimals using



● Use the sacramento.csv file to complete the following assignment. Create a file,, that loads the .csv file and runs a logistic regression. The

regression should predict whether or not a house has 1 or more than one

bathroom based on beds, sqft, and price, in that order.

● You will need to create a new variable from baths, and it should make it such that

those observations of 1 bath correspond to a value of 0, and those with more

than 1 bath correspond to a 1.

● Make sure to add a constant using sm.add_constant(X)

● Your file should print the results in this way:



print(‘The smallest p-value is for sqft’)

Please post the code that you have written so far and ask for help on what you are blocked on.

Put your code inside “code-fences”:

def like():

We will help you, but will not do homework for you.