Python Interpreter History Stopped Working in 3.13

I have used many years of releases and this is a new problem for me. After updating to 3.13 from 3.12 I noticed the command history in the REPL is no longer persistent. I lose all history when I exit(). I still have 3.12 installed and its command history behaves normally, saving after exit.

I am on Windows. Much of what I’ve found online involves readline, which isn’t pertinent. Any thoughts?


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There is this open issue:

I’m not sure how you both had history in Windows for 3.12 and below, I never had it. Any hints?

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I’ll keep my eye on this issue, thanks for sharing!

As far as having history previously, I’m surprised you didn’t. The only things I can think of that I might be doing differently is during installation. I always “Install Python for all users” and “Add Python to the environment variables”. Not sure why that might affect it, but it’s all I can think of.

I’ve experience the same thing.

The following starts at the command line of Windows 10.


py -3.12
import os


py -3.12

Press cursor up, import os appears.

But, again from the command line, type:

py -3.13
import os


py -3.13

Press cursor up, nothing appears.

I installed Python 3.13 just the same way as I did the previous versions.