Python Packaging Strategy Discussion - Part 1

Disclaimer: I am the creator of Poetry and one of its current maintainer.

I would like first to ask a question: is it the role of the PyPA to endorse or promote a single tool? Is this even needed?

As far as I know, other languages do not have a packaging authority and it did not prevent their community to rally around a unified tool.

Poetry is the perfect example of this: it was never endorsed by the PyPA and was even in direct “competition” with the PyPA-backed tool at the time (pipenv) and it did not prevent it to thrive and gain traction making it the second most downloaded “packaging” tool (behind pip, obviously, and before pip-tools and pipenv) today.

Poetry now has a presence, a community, a great team of contributors and is popular enough to be seen as a potential unified tool. And now that Poetry supports plugin, it can be extended to support more use cases that are not part of the base workflow that Poetry provides (monorepo with workspaces – even though it might ultimately make it to Poetry at some point – or npm-style scripts support).

I know some of its detractors have been vocal about Poetry doing its own thing and not supporting standards but bear in mind that Poetry was started before some of these standards even existed. However PEP 621 support is coming along with the depreciation/removal of non-standard dependency specification operators. With the user base that Poetry now has these kinds of migrations takes time to plan and do well to ensure nothing breaks.

Regarding extension building, Poetry gives free reign to build them how you see fit while using its own build backend (poetry-core). You can specify a script in which you can pretty much use any tool you like. Here is an example with Meson: pendulum/ at master · sdispater/pendulum · GitHub. You just have to add your build requirements in the build-system section in addition to poetry-core and that’s it.

I am obviously biased but Poetry covers a lot of the needs most users might have and its popularity shows that. The fact that similar tools released after it did not gain as much traction is proof enough that the differences, even standards support, were not incentive enough to make the switch. This is especially true for Hatch which does not support lock files which is something users want and need, so switching to it would actually be a regression.

Do I advocate for Poetry to be this unified tool? In part, yes, but in the end I can’t make this decision for the users. What I know is that we are trying to build the best experience to make building and managing Python projects as intuitive and fun as possible. That’s what matters, the rest is secondary.