Not necessarily. And doing that directly with, e.g., pip
seems difficult indeed. There’s multiple levels of integration possible I’d say. For example, a hook mechanism where other package managers can register with Python installers; the Python installer then passing that hook the full list of packages for each thing it wants to install, and the other package manager returning a list of which ones it knows about. Whether that then auto-invokes the other package manager or gives the user a list back to deal with that themselves is a choice. I’d suspect that pip
would do the latter, and a higher-level tool the former.
Furthermore, how would it work for virtual environments? If I want numpy in my virtualenv, but don’t want to pollute my system with it, how does a distro-supplied numpy help?
The exact way in which you phrased it implies: system Python + virtualenv + wheels from PyPI. That works today and can of course still be made to work unchanged in the future if one wants. It’s just not the best/recommended setup, and it will not improve with any of this.
If you have another package manager, it has its own environment concept, not a venv/virtualenv. So if your other package manager is conda, it’s a conda env. Spack, a spack env. Nix, a Nix env. Linux distro - the system environment (there’s only one, no virtualenv-like concept there). Fedora’s wheel rebuilds that @encukou just pointed out are cool - and they seem like a great extra option if a distro wants to do that. But it’s a ton of work, so I’d expect most distros not to offer that, and it seems questionable to me to require it. [1]
You can still use pyenv
plus manylinux wheels, exactly like today. Or you can use the system versions in a smoother way - but limited to the versions of packages the system has. Or you can use another distributor which has a concept of environments with create/activate/deactive/destroy.
In fact, I’d hazard a guess and say that for a lot of people, they use the distributions of Python (or equivalents like pyenv which simply automate the “build it yourself” aspect of using the standard distribution) precisely because the choices their available distributors make don’t suit them.
For the average user, and certainly when starting out, it’s safe to say that they do not really understand the tradeoffs. If and the most prominent documentation resources focus primarily or exclusively on PyPI/pip/wheels, that’s what they’ll go with. For the people that do know and can make an informed choice, no regression is proposed. If you use Python or pyenv
by informed choice and are on a mainstream platform, you’re already fine and very little changes.
And again, rebuilding PyPI as wheels doesn’t solve the hardest problems, the ones for which there’s nothing on PyPI - you want the distro’s packages for that. Having one working version of something from the system is better than zero versions of that something (@oscarbenjamin has given a very concrete example here with
). ↩︎