Python Tutorials foew newbies

Hello everyone,
I have new people in my team and I want them to learn Python cause it is the best for data science coding. Any good online tutorials (interactive like: CodeAcademy or web tutorials like: W3CSchool, Programiz) I also have a few resources from Python org, but I prefer to have more options to recommend. I have studied SE more them 10-14 years ago and Python many many years ago. All of them have knowledge of R, C, C++, Vala, Bash, HTML, CSS, NodeJS, JavaScript and NoSQL DB. We stick to FOSS Arch / Fedora Linux, hence any Widnows or MacOS only applications will not be of use.
We already use Git+AtomIO/VCCode, we don’t use cloud solutions like Project Jupyter if not a must.

Any recommendation for a python learning materials for SE graduate new to Python is welcome.

Thank you in advance have a great day and a wonderful workweek ahead.
Regards, Alex

I have extensive knowledge of SciPy Library in Python so I am willing to help out if and when needed.


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