Real Time Updatable Graphs

Hi everyone
I’m working on a GPS project and i get GPS coordinates using GPS module through serial communication. I want to plot in graph real time. So I tried to matplotlib but its not working properly. My Sketch as follows.

import statistics
import serial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

LatitudeData = []
LongitudeData = []

def Latitude(NMEA1, NMEA2, NMEA3,):
    if NMEA1 == 'A':
        Degrees = NMEA2[:2]
        if NMEA3 == 's':
            Degrees = int(Degrees)*-1
            Degrees = int(Degrees)

        Degrees = str(Degrees).strip('.0')
        DDD = NMEA2[2:10]
        MMM = float(DDD)/60
        MMM = str(MMM).strip('0.')[:6]
        Value = Degrees + "." + MMM
        return float(Value)
        return 0.0
        print("Location Invalid")

def Longitude(NMEA1, NMEA2, NMEA3,):
    if NMEA1 == 'A':
        Degrees = NMEA2[1:3]

        if NMEA3 == 'w':
            Degrees = int(Degrees)* -1
            Degrees = int(Degrees)
        Degrees = str(Degrees)
        DDD = NMEA2[3:10]
        MMM = float(DDD)/60
        MMM = str(MMM).strip('0.')[:6]
        Value = Degrees + "." + MMM
        return float(Value)

        return 0.0
        print("Location Invalid")

gps = serial.Serial('com5', 115200)
while True:
        packet = gps.readline()
        decode = packet.decode('unicode_escape')
        data = decode.split(",")
        if data[0] =='$GNRMC':
            # print(data)
            Output1 = Latitude(data[2], data[3], data[4])
            print("Current Latitude : " +str(Output1))
            Output2 = Longitude(data[2], data[5], data[6])
            print("Current Longititude : " + str(Output2))
            if (Output1 != 0 and Output2 != 0):
                LatitudeData.insert(0, Output1)
                LongitudeData.insert(0, Output2)

                if len(LongitudeData) and len(LatitudeData) == 1001:

        for x in range(len(LatitudeData)):

its show only one time and I need to close plot window to run loop again. GPS continually sending location coordinates so, LatitudeData and LongitudeData lists are updating. I want to plot those all points in single scatter plot window. That means one by one point adding into same plotting window. How can I fix it ? I need your comments.
Thank You.