Yes, if a never has an attribute b it will always return None. What else would you expect? (But note that when using optional static typing, the type checker would complain if you wrote a?.b and the type of a does not have an optional field b. (The type system doesn’t currently know whether a required field is actually present, but it does know whether a field is declared or not – it will flag a.b and a?.b equally of there’s no b in the type of a.)
I expect that if ?. only worked on None and not on absence, I just wouldn’t use it rather than using getattr(), and ditto for .get() and ?[].
PS. For some reason JavaScript/TypeScript spells the latter as ?.[], and they don’t seem to think there’s anything illogical about it (I asked Anders :-). I suspect it’s because they have the ? : ternary operator though. I don’t see a reason to follow their example though. (It would make adding ? : to Python harder though, and it would be another puzzle to figure out in PypeScript, a merger of Python and TypeScript that I’m thinking about.
The point is that (in my version) the ? modifies the semantics of an x.attr or x[key] operation immediately preceding it. Which IMO is fair game because it’s all syntax.
Hm, this brings me to another even more radical idea: make ? a postfix operator that means "and if the preceding thing is some x.a that raises AttributeError, or x[k] raising KeyError, or if the preceding value is None, the result is None, and subsequent attr, key and call operators are skipped. This not only gives us foo?(...), it also gives us bare a.b? and a[k]? to spell getattr(a, "b", None) and a.get(k) more concisely.
Oh, regardless of whether we do that, we should probably also suppress IndexError coming out of x[k] in case x is a sequence.
I was thinking about something like this as well! To take this even further, what if expression evaluation could stop as soon as a ? check is failed, propagating None upwards to the top-most AST node of the expression? For example, x = foo(a, b, c?) when c is None would evaluate as x = None.
In any event, it’s clear to me that the next step here is to separate the PEP into ??/??=, which seems to have majority support, and leave ?. for further discussion. Assuming this sounds good, I’ll start working on that as I have time.
That would be a step too far. In my use case oftentimes there are many options to a function call with arguments derived from options specified in a configuration file. The call is still to be made no matter what, with only the individual options set to None when absent from the configuration.
Also, note that this thread is almost entirely between very few users. Maybe post under a new topic in January once more people are back to work/school?
It sort of pains me to see this being the direction. Is a 4 character difference really that verbose?
The extra characters are English, meaning your brain doesn’t have to do any translation. I personally find a["b"]?["c"]?["d"]? more cumbersome to parse mentally than a.get("b")?.get("c")?.get("d") – each operator has one responsibility; I don’t have to remember whether ? is going to just swallow None or also key/index errors
The case is much stronger with a?.b?.c? as an alternative to getattr(getattr(a, "b", None), "c", None) though, since we don’t have a forgiving version of object.__getattribute__ like dict.get.
But then if we are to allow a?.b?.c?, we might as well allow a?["b"]?["c"]? for a consistent syntax.
I presume by forgiving you mean one that returns None by default?
I always did wish that .getattr() returned None if the attribute didn’t exist. It seems silly that it doesn’t while .get() does. (Though I can only assume this is for some very good reason).
Regardless, you’ve convinced me. I very much want to be able to use this form for the a.getattr("b"), when b does not exist. To swallow the AttributeError in this case, but not the KeyError/IndexError in the other makes as little sense as .getattr() not returning None by default.
Is it, though? Where is the evidence that this is such a common pattern that it needs syntax-level support? The case I hear mentioned is working with unstructured data, eg from an API, but isn’t such data typically in lists and dictionaries? Unless you anre doing something (in my experience) unusual, class instances have a relatively fixed set of attributes that are always available. If I see attribute access style for data from an API, I would assume it’s already been validated to a known schema via something like Pydantic. Of course it’s possible to have exceptions, but do we want the language to encourage this style?
Speaking for myself, this pattern appears quite frequently in the code I work on. It complements the duck typing very nicely. That is, we can pass around different objects that may have different properties to the same method.
e.g. Imagine this:
my_bar = ?? DefaultFoo()
# as opposed to
my_bar = bar if (bar := getattr(foo, "bar", None)) is not None else DefaultFoo()
I personally prefer accessing items via dot notation over subscript so I use the wrapper from dict2dot · PyPI to access dict keys as attributes. Although you are right that a predefined validation schema is the right thing to do for the long term we often don’t do that for smaller projects just to get things working quickly.
CPython itself also has a data model where certain attributes are optional for some data types due to dynamic initializers, duck typing or backwards compatibility. Below are a few examples that can benefit from Guido’s generalization:
And here are the dozens of other instances of getattr(obj, "attr", None) in CPython where certain attributes are optional in the data model.
I was trying to make the point earlier that a lot of the ?. and ?[] behavior seems like it belongs as part of a collection. Even for exotic objects some sort of proxy that digs through the accesses and throws when it “should” seems like it would solve the issue rather than adding syntax. I would be for the simplification as a postfix operator mentioned by Guido, only because it is simple and straightforward, and probably what the proposed collections / proxies would do anyways (but I’m curious to see what pathological examples it gives rise to).
my_bar = if is not None else DefaultFoo()
except AttributeError:
my_bar = DefaultFoo()
right? Your lower example is a bit terse
In this case I think that the proposed operator could improve code readability, but I mostly agree with the people saying that if you don’t know if an attribute exists on an object you’re likely dealing with data that should have been modeled as lists and dicts instead.
I had participated a bit in one of the previous threads about this PEP a few months ago and had come to the realization that the ?. and ?[] operators both made a lot of intuitive sense if you instead treated the ? as a unary postfix operator
I’ll also add a shameless plug for a very long comment I made showing how the None-aware operators (and specifically just None-aware, not AttributeError or KeyError silencing) can be quite useful in a real world use case I have in my job doing analysis for a manufacturing company.
The overall point there is that if you are dealing with a entity-relationship model, long chains of attribute lookups are quite reasonable and in many cases it is an expected case that there could be a null value somewhere along the chain since relationships can be “total” (i.e. required/non-null) or “partial” (i.e. nullable) and the natural way to express that in Python is by using None
We don’t need a try/except block because the optional value is deliberate; that is, the value cannot be another falsy value:
my_bar = or DefaultFoo() if foo else None
Also, the proposed syntax won’t work with other falsy values either, so that’s a fair comparison.
If the bar attribute of the object foo does not exist, it suggests that the proposed feature is more about suppressing exceptions related to duck typing. I find this counterproductive because incorrect duck typings are bugs.
I don’t find any of the PEP 505 syntax compelling. The most compelling piece of it is ??, but the place it would see the greatest benefit, we could get a better benefit with late bound defaults (PEP 671) which would prevent None (or other sentinel objects) from needing to be used for the most common cases, like mutable defaults.
Python’s ecosystem has a rich set of libraries that can parse JSON data into structured Python objects, including filling defaults and rejecting data with a meaningful error when required information is missing; Some of these libraries are faster than the standard library’s json.loads while doing that extra work[1]. I’d rather see people reach for tools that stop putting None where they don’t want it instead of creating extra syntax for handling None where people don’t want it.
Something I’ve noticed in a few js libraries I’ve had to dig through is that they never “fix” the missing data, they always act like it might not be there. This turns into a self-fueling need for the syntax. This is also not what I would consider well-designed code. There’s no proper separation between “we don’t know what data we have” and “Okay, we’ve validated the data, now we can use it” I don’t know how prevalent that is in general, but given how I’ve seen people say they would use the safe traversal in python, I’m led to believe it’s what people want to do in python too.
Another thing that should be addressed for the .? and ?[] proposal is how this proposed syntax is better than using pattern matching. PEP 636 (pattern matching tutorial) suggest that there is some overlap between what can be done with the proposed operators and pattern matching, see the “Going to the clouds: Mappings” section. I don’t use pattern matching much (still mostly working with Python 3.8, sigh) so I’m not sure if pattern matching is used like was expected but any future PEP should address why pattern matching is not enough.