Select modes(programs) with GPIO buttons

I was able to isolate the problem to fbi, I installed feh instead and now everything works perfect! And I figured out how to add more modes.

Here’s the final code and a schematic for those interested. Thanks everyone for the help and especially @MRAB :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

from gpiozero import Button
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from time import sleep

def start_task(mode):
    if mode == 1:
        return Popen("exec python3", cwd="/home/pi/project/mode1", shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
    elif mode == 2:
        return Popen("exec feh -Z -x -F -Y -B -q -D 5 *", cwd="/home/pi/project/mode2/images", shell=True)
    elif mode == 3:
        return Popen("exec cvlc --no-video-title-show -L -f mode3.mp4", cwd="/home/pi/project/mode3", shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
    elif mode == 4:
        return Popen("exec cvlc --no-video-title-show -L -f mode4.mp4", cwd="/home/pi/project/mode4", shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
        return None

previous_button = Button(2)
next_button = Button(4)
currently_pressed = None
current_mode = 1
current_task = start_task(current_mode)

while True:
    if previous_button.is_pressed:
        if currently_pressed is None:
            currently_pressed = previous_button

            if current_mode == 1:
                current_mode = 4
                current_mode -= 1

            current_task = start_task(current_mode)
    elif next_button.is_pressed:
        if currently_pressed is None:
            currently_pressed = next_button

            if current_mode == 4:
                current_mode = 1
                current_mode += 1

            current_task = start_task(current_mode)
        currently_pressed = None
