Should Python packaging aim for meson as build system (in case of extension modules)?

Right, I tested only the Nix builds and forgot we use python bdist in case of setuptools. Changed the instruction.

I assume this is on Windows. I cannot reproduce it otherwise.

The Meson instructions not much else aside from using the build tools prompt as you did.

I have no recent experience of using Python on Windows so can’t look into this any further. It’s a pity though it did not work out of the box.

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An effort to migrate scipy to meson is underway:

Meson 0.59.0 (to be released) also supports Cython. With PEP 621 it will be trivial to go from a pure-Python package to a package with extension modules using Meson (through mesonpep517). Quite exciting to see!


@rgommers wrote a blog post about scipy’s move to meson. HN thread.


meson-python is now the build backend for scipy.


This is a great news! I’m looking forward to try meson-python on some projects! Thanks to @rgommers and to everyone involved for the pushing this forward.

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