Apparently I’ve run out of links that I’m allowed to post so I’ll have to describe where to find the links
[#1] setuptools issue #2341
[#2] wheel issue #92
[#3] setuptools issue #1387
[#4] search for “autodesk Maya”
[#5] Search for “sidefx houdini”
[#6] Search for “Maya 2020 environment variables”
[#7] Search for “list of environment variables in Houdini”.
[#8] Poetry issue #890
[#9] Search for “gnome desktop files putting your application in the desktop menus”
[#10] Poetry issue #890
[#11] Poetry issue #890
[#12] Search for “Is there an idiomatic way to install systemd units with setuptools” on stackoverflow
[#13] setuptools issue #1728
[#14] In docs/userguide/declarative_config.rst
of the setuptools repo
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