Should there be a new standard for installing arbitrary data files?

Thinking about it - these day we need to make a lot of automation stuff on many weird platforms.
Having pip suppprt egg allow it unzip, and run its install is the most simple way so solve corner cases that pip had not idea about.
Remove this feature would cause end less request and discussion about need non-arbitrary code execution from wheel package.

Indeed, this is a great list.

However, as noted earlier, itā€™s still unclear which of these we need to have and how weā€™d handle this on platforms where some of these concepts donā€™t make sense.

As a heads up, Iā€™m gonna be unsubscribing from this discussion now, since I donā€™t see it going in a constructive direction in the short term.

Hereā€™s what I can find, though I cannot speak to the language maintainers feelings on each solution:

  • Ruby/rubygems (Specification Reference - RubyGems Guides): Gemspec files have a ā€œfilesā€ array that take relative file paths and output those same files in the gem. Gem files are installed in their own namespace, meaning that you can put things anywhere, including the root directory, without fear of clashing with other gems (the exception to this is the lib/ directory which might get added to LOAD_PATH). Typically you would load a data file using a path relative to your current file, and itā€™s considered bad practise to load any files outside the lib directory of the gem. Iā€™ve seen some examples of gems including man pages (see guard or ruby-irb), which repackagers can then easily move to a distro-specific location. Thereā€™s lots of examples of including licenses and readmes, but this might come from the fact that there are no sdists/wheels, only gems. You canā€™t install to anywhere outside the gemā€™s namespace.
  • Lua/LuaRocks (Rockspec format Ā· luarocks/luarocks Wiki Ā· GitHub): Despite being geared towards being a build system, it has a copy_directories rule where specified directories are ā€œcopied to the rock installation prefix as-isā€. They give typical use cases such as ā€œinstalling documentation and other files such as samples and testsā€. Similarly to Ruby, you canā€™t install to anywhere outside the rockā€™s prefix.
  • Rust/cargo (The Manifest Format - The Cargo Book): Cargo is very geared towards statically compiled binaries, so itā€™s probably not a useful example. If itā€™s not documentation or source code, cargo gives you no help. You can only include or exclude files for packaging, similar to There is a mechanism for running arbitrary commands as part of a build script, but again itā€™s geared towards compiling things. You can however do whatever you want and write things to wherever you want (For example see the file of zlib-sys), but the only output is binaries and therefore a repackager couldnā€™t make use of what was written out.
  • Go: Very similar to Rust. The expectation seems to be to embed files in a binary, or use a tool other than the go package manager.
  • Haskell/cabal (7. Package Description ā€” Cabal User's Guide): Arbitrary data files can be included. They get installed to /usr/share/<package_name>/ on Linux. Cabal even provides utilities for finding these data files so that packages can get installed to any location and still function.

I donā€™t think we need to support distro-specific locations, only OS specific ones. We could enable package maintainers to help out repackagers (if this is indeed one of the reasons that we want to continue supporting these sorts of files) by allowing the pip install step of repackaging to place more files in their correct locations for ā€œLinux in generalā€, but I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to expect repackagers to have to do a certain amount of work. Especially when itā€™s work that is specific to the distro they support.
I also donā€™t think itā€™s realistic to expect package maintainers to support more than even a couple of distros. Plus repackagers will be more in touch with where files are supposed to go for their distro than a package maintainer is.

More broadly, I think even having the package declare which of these extras files should get installed helps our repackagers a lot because currently they have to dig through repos to find what can be installed and thereā€™s the opportunity to miss things.

Is there another use case involving docker images? If Iā€™m installing packages into a docker image it would be nice to have things like documentation or .desktop files for those packages included in the image, but I wouldnā€™t want to have to repackage everything Iā€™m installing to make that happen.
Thatā€™s assuming that the system Python is being used.

I donā€™t think I understand this question. Was the purpose of asking this to get us to more carefully consider all operating systems when providing possible solutions?

As mentioned above, I donā€™t think we should go so far as to consider distro specific files. But these are very good examples of files that we could be including in packages, and in fact these files are what I was seeing most often included in Ruby gems when I was researching the above answer.
Ruby gems arenā€™t in a good position to install things like .desktop files because theyā€™re installed into a namespaced directory, but I did see man pages get installed by a gem and then repackagers taking that file and moving it into /usr/share/man. Python packages are in a position where they can skip the middleman (middleperson?) and go straight to a location under sys.prefix without the repackager needing to seek out those files and do anything extra with them.


The distro is the operating system. Linux distros generally implement the Posix standard, which is what I assume would be the ā€œOSā€ here based on the value of, but there are a lot of degrees of freedom they can take.
Taking one of your examples, .desktop files, they are not even specified in the Posix standard, they are defined by the spec. So, it wouldnā€™t be correct to install these files to the Posix OS location. Even getting past that, the spec does not specify file location, it is usually used an extension to FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard), which itself makes a lot of locations valid.
Taking another one, documenation. The location for documentation to be installed isnā€™t specified by Posix, most modern Linux distros implement the FHS standard, which is where that location comes from.

I donā€™t want to be pedantic here, but I think this does have a very significant impact here. In your proposal, how should a .desktop file be handled? What do Python packagers need to specify for its distribution, and what would installers do? How would documentation be handled? There are several standards distros might implement, and lots of ways they could implement them.

All this is then ignoring the fact that almost all modern distros assume they will be the only ones touching /usr, only letting components touch their own paths. An example of this is /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages.
Having pip install to /usr/share/doc or /usr/share/man behind the distro will result in issues, causing a bad UX to users, and possibly unstable systems in other situations.

The proposal may sound good at first glance ā€“ letā€™s just let users package their own arbitrary data ā€“ but it fails to consider the impacts that it has on an OS/distro level. pip is not the system package manager, and it shouldnā€™t be used in that way. There are, however, valid use cases where someone might want to install extra data, so we need to come to a middle term. The solution should be to integrate Python installers in the OS, not making Python installers an OS-level installer.


Ah this makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

I donā€™t yet have a proposal really. I started this thread to collect the information that we would need to come up with a good solution for the problem. One of my goals for my initial post was to figure out use cases that could drive this, but so far itā€™s been easier to discount use cases than it has been to come up with valid ones.
I think the melding of @dholthā€™s suggestion and yours is the closest thing we have to a proposal at the moment. So that would be having categories of directories that an installer can install to a platform specific default location (if the platform even has a default) but also allowing overrides to these defaults at install time for distro packagers to make use of. Itā€™ll be difficult to know if this is a decent solution to the problem when we donā€™t know how itā€™ll get used, but it will at least encourage users to do the right thing whilst still giving them the power to do what they want.
If this sounds like a decent starting place and we think weā€™re as far into this discussion that we can go without proposing a solution, then I can flesh this out into a more detailed proposal? Iā€™m still unclear what categories we would want to support because thereā€™s been yeas and nays for anything beyond a ${root}, as your questions point out.

To try and answer your questions though, I think it depends on what situations we want full support for them.
A .desktop file in a virtualenv isnā€™t really useful for example, but I donā€™t like the idea of installing a file or not depending on whether itā€™s in a virtualenv. So for virtualenvs, I donā€™t think that a default location for a ā€œ{desktop_files}" (or called whatever) category matters too much. If we're trying to help repackagers, then we can get away with providing a default value for the category "like {root}/share/applicationsā€ because the repackager is going to specify a default value for the location of the category anyway.
For the case of pip installing to the system when in a docker container, I think itā€™s a similar situation but the author of the Dockerfile acts like the repackager and itā€™s up to them to provide a real default for the value.
I think itā€™s a similar situation for other files. It probably doesnā€™t matter too much where they go, so long as they can be overridden at install time and potentially also so that the installed Python application has a way of querying them back at run time? Querying back wouldnā€™t be useful for every category, but presumably an application would want to query where the file that they put in ${datadir} ended up.


Doing this with wheel force pip act like god tools ( it had to known everything ) due to a rules of not allows arbitrary code execution

Typical work for everyone would be a arbitrary code execution ( pip once supported this with eggs package < 20.* )

Here are more cases of package ask user do some form of addition step installation for run code that no longer could be run by pip

If I have projA , other person have projB and we both want automate everything. Hence package maker cannot implement arbitrary code, so now each project need to check it full dependency and write code to detect which version of Above package used to run arbitrary code for install the correct version in the correct way. This work is repeat as many as number of projects using above package.

This kind of issue been discussed many time over years and guess what we still been talk about similar thing here. It is simply a architecture yelling at us. Solution also already been there. Now it is none within pip and about to reinvent in some short.

Pywin32 been having arbitrary code to solve issue I mention above. Here is the evident

My own package also do similar thing as total automation solution. It now no longer useful.

What is the point of including files in the wheel at all if youā€™re not going to install them into an arbitrary location that standard tools donā€™t recognise and the installed Python code isnā€™t going to use (files the Python code will use should probably be installed as package data files)? Expecting users to manually hunt in the Python installation directory for (for example) documentation files is a pretty bad UI (I recall old setuptools-based installs doing this, and honestly they might as well not have supplied documentation for all the use it was :slightly_frowning_face:)

Iā€™d like to see an actual use case where this was genuinely the UI that people wantedā€¦


Iā€™m certainly that I do not known what you looking for, and how many example would count enough of a full people. I had tried, but Iā€™m failing you I guess.

My initial post was the collection of all related use cases requested by users over the years in various discussions about data_files that I could find. The only one we havenā€™t discussed so far is my own, very specific, use case. You could generalise that use case to mean ā€œany integrations with any applications that have some sort of search path mechanism and understand virtualenvsā€. But thatā€™s not particularly useful as something to drive a new design of data_files.

The only other use case that I can find is Jupyterā€™s extension mechanism (Distributing Jupyter Extensions as Python Packages ā€” Jupyter Notebook 5.7.6 documentation), and coincidentally it seems to fit the above description. Jupyter looks for both configuration files and data files in directories created using data_files (Jupyter Paths priority order - General - Jupyter Community Forum). Data files are usually javascript files that form the main content of an extension. Both configuration files and data files go into specific directories that Jupyter searches to find extensions.
However the shortcoming of data files means that packages also need to provide an additional installation step that is used when the data files donā€™t end up in the expected place. This additional installation step requires the data files to be duplicated as package data so that the package can locate them to report to jupyter. This also extends jupyterā€™s search paths with an additional directory per extension.
For the above reason, plus the fact that data_files are considered deprecated in setuptools and not supported by any other packaging backends yet, there has been a proposal to replace the current extension mechanism to not rely on data_files (RFP for successor to data_files-based extension discovery? Ā· Issue #351 Ā· jupyter-server/jupyter_server Ā· GitHub). However there doesnā€™t seem to have been any ideas that address the same problems that the additional install command has, and thereā€™s still a preference for data_files to stick around. Perhaps @minrk or someone else from the Jupyter team can speak more on this and possibly even on what they would want to see in a redesign of data_files.

Sorry. I glossed over those because I thought the discussion had moved on, but they do deserve comment. See below.

I think the consensus is pretty clear at this point that ā€œabsolutely anywhere on the machineā€ isnā€™t acceptable. In particular, I agree with @uranusjrā€™s comment:

Iā€™m therefore going to limit myself to proposals that only allow ā€œarbitrary data filesā€ to be installed under sys.prefix.

Looking at your use cases (Iā€™ll defer the first one for now, as itā€™s your specific case and you noted that hasnā€™t been discussed yet):

  1. .desktop files. You said yourself they are platform specific and only useful if installed into system locations, i.e. not under sys.prefix. So the solutions weā€™re looking at wonā€™t work for these.
  2. Manual pages. Same as .desktop files, platform specific and need to be in a system location. Iā€™ve already called these out specifically as a case where my experience is that placing them under sys.prefix where OS utilities canā€™t see them is pointless.
  3. Files in /etc - again system locations, and not supported by solutions that install under sys.prefix.
  4. Binaries - these work right now (thereā€™s a ā€œscriptsā€ location that things get installed to, and console scripts go there so we know this works). I donā€™t understand your comment about not working in a virtualenv. Unless you mean ā€œinstall to /usr/local/binā€ or something like that, but weā€™re back to locations outside sys.prefix again.

So all of your use cases basically require ā€œarbitrary locationsā€ and I believe that we already have a general feeling that this isnā€™t acceptable. If you want to still argue for that behaviour, I suggest that you make a specific proposal that describes what you want. But be prepared for it to be rejected - I will definitely vote -1 on it as Iā€™ve already said.

Iā€™m not entirely sure about your VFX use case, but it seems like your solution using virtualenv with an application-specific plugin is a reasonably good approach, so Iā€™m not sure anything more is needed. And if you want to install the files to a location thatā€™s already on MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH, youā€™re back to installing outside of sys.prefixā€¦

So to be more specific, Iā€™m looking for examples of use cases where it would be necessary to be able to install ā€œarbitrary data filesā€ into particular locations under sys.prefix other than the ones that are already covered by the existing sysconfig locations.


Perhaps @minrk or someone else from the Jupyter team can speak more on this and possibly even on what they would want to see in a redesign of data_files.

Jupyter extension packages typically include files that should go in one or both of these:

  • configuration files to enable extensions /specify config (in $prefix/etc)
  • static resources in $prefix/share (javascript extension sources, html templates, kernel specification files for discovery, etc.)

We never expect to write outside sys.prefix as part of package installation. Ideally, these are staged into the right place using data_files (or whatever its replacement should be) at install time, but there are some exceptions where that canā€™t/wonā€™t work, so we provide our own jupyter ... install commands which stage files into $prefix/etc or $prefix/share after installation time. This two-step install has led to lots of mixed-up installations, as removing or upgrading a package is no longer associated with removing or changing other files associated with it. data_files installs work great for this today.

Critically for Jupyter, none of Jupyter specs are Python-specific, and many of these things are not part of Python packages at all, so we standardize on evaluating paths relative to $PREFIX rather than something python specific (we generally use sys.prefix for this), and we donā€™t want to assume that everything comes from a Python package.

For install time, all we really want is a reliable way to write {sys.prefix}/share/ (or prefix/etc) and a way at runtime that returns the same {sys.prefix}/share|etc that should work for installs:

  • in venv
  • not in env
  • --user

Itā€™s the lack of symmetrical ā€œwhere would you have put it?ā€ API thatā€™s been a challenge for us. We encourage data_files as the easiest way to do this which works almost all of the time (very reliably in venvs and conda envs), but we are aware of custom distutils install schemes like system Pythons where it can get weird, because sys.prefix is not actually where installed files end up.

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Cool, that makes a lot of sense to me. So if sysconfig added a new path for ā€œshareā€ (or ā€œetcā€), that would satisfy this use case? The wheel spec already covers the installation side of this, as the rule in the PEP applies to any scheme key that exists in sysconfig. So all you need is the lookup side, which sysconfig would provide.

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Fedora Python maintainer here. I need to pitch in as somebody who fundamentally disagrees that desktop files or manual pages "donā€™t work under sys.prefix" or that installing stuff to an arbitrary location under sys.prefix has an increased potential to create file-conflicts. It is matter of perspective. Let me describe a matrix of the following things I could think of:

Python modules in {sys.prefix}/.../site-packages

Python modules: sys.prefix is /usr

  • The modules work naturally because they are by definition in sys.path.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between pip-installed packages and distro-package manager.

Python modules: sys.prefix is /usr/local or ~/.local

  • The modules work naturally because they are by definition in sys.path.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages.

Python modules: sys.prefix is within Python virtual environment

  • The modules work naturally because they are by definition in sys.path.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages, albeit the chances are very limited, as virtual environments tend to be one-purpose and the package set usually does not grow without bounds.

Python modules: sys.prefix is another arbitrary location including Windows

  • The modules work naturally because they are by definition in sys.path.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict with different Python packages.

Commands (scripts) in {sys.prefix}/bin

Commands: sys.prefix is /usr

  • The commands work naturally because /usr/bin is (almost) always on $PATH.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between pip-installed packages and distro-package manager.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between pip-installed packages and other language stack package managers that would also install scripts into this location, or manually created content.

Commands: sys.prefix is /usr/local

  • The commands usually work because /usr/local/bin tends to be on $PATH.
  • If needed, users can extend their $PATH easily to make it work.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between pip-installed packages and other language stack package managers that would also install scripts into this location, or manually created content.

Commands: sys.prefix is ~/.local

  • The commands usually work because ~/.local/bin tends to be on $PATH on modern distros.
  • If needed, users can extend their $PATH easily to make it work.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between pip-installed packages and other language stack package managers that would also install scripts into this location, or manually created content.

Commands: sys.prefix is within Python virtual environment

  • The commands donā€™t work unless the virtual environment is activated: activate script adds the directory to $PATH.
  • Users can add symbolic links to scripts in a virtual environment to directories on their $PATH.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages, albeit the chances are very limited, as virtual environments tend to be one-purpose and the package set usually does not grow without bounds.

Commands: sys.prefix is another arbitrary location

  • The commands donā€™t work unless user modifies their $PATH.
  • Users can add symbolic links to scripts in arbitrary locations to directories on their $PATH.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict witch anything else.

Commands: Windows

  • This is handled differently on Windows and it seems to work.

Manual pages in {sys.prefix}/share/man

Manpages: sys.prefix is /usr

  • The manual pages work naturally because /usr/share/man is (almost) always in manpath.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between pip-installed packages and distro-package manager.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between pip-installed packages and other language stack package managers that would also install manual pages into this location, or manually created content.

Manpages: sys.prefix is /usr/local

  • The commands usually work because /usr/local/share/man tends to be in manpath.
  • If needed, users/distros can extend their config easily to make it work.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between pip-installed packages and other language stack package managers that would also install manual pages into this location, or manually created content.

Manpages: sys.prefix is ~/.local

  • The manual pages usually work because ~/.local/share/man tends to be on manpath on modern distros.
  • If needed, users/distros can extend their config easily to make it work.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between pip-installed packages and other language stack package managers that would also install manual pages into this location, or manually created content.

Manpages: sys.prefix is within Python virtual environment

  • The manual pages donā€™t work out of the box.
  • Users can make them work by setting/extending $MANPATH.
  • If deemed useful, the activate script could be improved to set/extend $MANPATH.
  • Users can add symbolic links to manual pages in a virtual environment to directories on their manpath.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages, albeit the chances are very limited, as virtual environments tend to be one-purpose and the package set usually does not grow without bounds.

Manpages: sys.prefix is another arbitrary location

  • The manual pages donā€™t work out of the box.
  • Users can make them work by setting/extending $MANPATH.
  • Users can add symbolic links to manual pages in arbitrary locations to directories on their manpath.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict witch anything else.

Manpages: Windows

  • The manual pages are not relevant there but they donā€™t hurt anything.

Desktop files in {sys.prefix}/share/applications

(This also applies to their icons in {sys.prefix}/share/icons or {sys.prefix}/share/pixmaps.)

Desktop files: sys.prefix is /usr

  • The desktop files work naturally because /usr/share/applications is used by default.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between pip-installed packages and distro-package manager.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between pip-installed packages and other language stack package managers that would also install desktop files into this location, or manually created content.

Desktop files: sys.prefix is /usr/local or ~/.local

  • The desktop files work naturally because /usr/local/share/applications and ~/.local/share/applications is used by default.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between pip-installed packages and other language stack package managers that would also install desktop files into this location, or manually created content.

Desktop files: sys.prefix is within Python virtual environment

  • The desktop files donā€™t work.
  • Users might be able to make them work by some configuration (I have not explored this).
  • Users can add symbolic links to desktop files in a virtual environment to the directories that work with desktop files.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict between different Python packages, albeit the chances are very limited, as virtual environments tend to be one-purpose and the package set usually does not grow without bounds.
  • If somebody wants to explore new ideas, we can have a concept of ā€œactivating a virtual environment for your desktop environmentā€, but I donā€™t think it would be that useful.

Desktop files: sys.prefix is another arbitrary location

  • The desktop files donā€™t work.
  • Users might be able to make them work by some configuration (I have not explored this).
  • There is a potential of file-conflict witch anything else.

Desktop files: Windows

  • The desktop files are not relevant there but they donā€™t hurt anything.

Static application data in {sys.prefix}/share/{app_name}

(E.g. Jupyter kernels.)

  • They always work regardless of sys.prefix.
  • There is a potential of file-conflict witch anything else that uses app_name.


  • The stuff works quite fine for many values of sys.prefix; the degree of ā€œworks out of the boxā€ varies, but there is some potential for improvement as well.
  • The potential for file-conflicts is not worse than the existing potential (you can nuke a system by installing bash or sh script quite fine already even without data_files).
  • Many files are useless on Windows but I consider that OK.

Thanks, @AWhetter for looping Jupyter in, and @minrk for the thorough summary of our challenges!

To the various venv/not venv/--user cases, Iā€™d add:

  • uninstall leaving the file system ā€œunharmedā€
  • a key ā€œcanā€™t/wonā€™tā€ work case: pip install -e (and whatever flit and poetry do). I donā€™t know how this can be solved in a cross-platform way, but our experiments in going from 4 search paths to hundreds (via entry_points) wereā€¦ not encouraging, and would require non-python Jupyter components to shell out to get such a list.

Semi-related: having at least some warning (which could ideally be elevated to an error with e.g. an environment variable) when two packages try to write to the same file in {sys.prefix}/etc or {sys.prefix}/share would be helpfulā€¦ today we kinda wait for downstreams (or users) to find these issues. Our flagship first-party consumers of etc have well-known (well, at least documented) {sys.prefix}/etc/jupyter_*_config.d/ folders that have made this more robust, but one (well, usually two) badly-behaved packages can make a right mess of things depending on the order of installation.

In practice, this is somewhat of a side issue. The question of whether desktop files or manual pages "work under sys.prefix" is only significant if someone is arguing that wheels need to support installation of files to locations outside of sys.prefix - and I donā€™t think anyone is still trying to make that argument.

What weā€™re left with now, as far as I can see, is that the wheel spec supports custom install locations for any named path that is supported by sysconfig. Currently, sysconfig supports 8 paths (from the Python docs):

  • stdlib : directory containing the standard Python library files that are not platform-specific.
  • platstdlib : directory containing the standard Python library files that are platform-specific.
  • platlib : directory for site-specific, platform-specific files.
  • purelib : directory for site-specific, non-platform-specific files.
  • include : directory for non-platform-specific header files.
  • platinclude : directory for platform-specific header files.
  • scripts : directory for script files.
  • data : directory for data files.

Adding extra install locations is as simple as getting some extra locations added to the sysconfig module. Itā€™s also exactly as hard as doing that - doing anything outside of the stdlib still requires getting agreement on locations for all platforms, supporting virtualenvs, handling ways of letting distros customise the locations, etc. I suspect people have a view that thereā€™s an ā€œeasierā€ way than getting sysconfig changed, but honestly, I doubt thatā€™s the case in practice.

So I think the ā€œnew standardā€ here might simply be a matter of requesting new install locations for the sysconfig module.

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We will also have to deal with getting KeyError when a wheelā€™s .data/ directory has a name not in sysconfig. Iā€™ve wanted to just leave the data directory in site-packages in that case and possibly print() a warning.

That should be the case right now. The PEP doesnā€™t insist that wheels stick to a list of names, so tools have to be prepared for KeyError already.

Iā€™d be fine with someone checking what existing installers do (pip, wheel, installer, poetry, ā€¦?) and if they all have a common behaviour, adding that to the PEP as a clarification. If they do different things, weā€™d have to say itā€™s currently implementation-defined and if we want to define a specific behaviour, that would be a proper PEP update.

@AWhetter , @minrk, looking at the pySerial and dig depth into it. I realize the answer to our problem may fall into ā€œCondaā€ tool - Conda for data scientists ā€” conda 4.10.1.post2+b6d32c8d7 documentation