The Python documentation should borrow the idea from the

This seems to me to be a reason why an example would be useful: a code example is a great way to demonstrate that the function doesn’t take file names it takes file objects, and how you could create the needed file objects. We might disagree whether the function needs an example, but I can’t understand “it’s not possible to demonstrate it.” Of course it can be demonstrated. I think an example would be useful.

Examples don’t prevent people from practicing code themselves. Some here have said that users have to practice using the functions themselves. Of course. Then they seem to argue that means we don’t need examples. Examples are a good on-ramp to practicing by yourself.

You name this as something that doesn’t need an example. I don’t understand. Can you give an example of what you consider simple boolean functions? (See what I did there…?) Is any a simple boolean function? I think it could use examples.

I don’t understand if you are saying fmean should have examples, or should not? It looks like a useful example to me.


Disclaimer: I have not read all posts on this thread.

My 2 cents:
Take, as an example, pathlib — Object-oriented filesystem paths — Python 3.12.3 documentation. There are examples, what I miss on that page is:

  1. No index of methods/properties. Usually I scroll to the bottom to see the os equivalency table. I would prefer an xarray style: API reference
  2. Consider the documentation of PurePath.match(*pattern*, ***, *case_sensitive=None* ). I have to scroll to the bottom to see the options for case_sensitive: None for platform defaults, True or False. My preference would be numpy style (not necessarily one page per function), like here: numpy.reshape — NumPy v1.26 Manual

I am fully aware those are my personal preferences.

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I don’t think it will be useful if you haven’t read in the shutil module documentation: For operations on individual files, see also the os module. In other words, if you (as a user) cannot distinguish between a file name and a file object, an example won’t help.

Currently, any only provides an equivalent code:

def any(iterable):
    for element in iterable:
        if element:
            return True
    return False

…which, in my opinion, is much more helpful than an example:

>>> any(True, False)

Yes, as I have seen in mathematical literature, simple examples are given to demonstrate concepts. But as you delve into more advanced concepts, you often encounter only “why?”

What you (@bauca) are looking for, I believe, is more of a guided book. This brings us back to Python tutorials. In my opinion, linking function (and others) documentation to their respective usage in Python tutorials would be the solution for the problem being discussed in this thread.

No one has said they haven’t read the shutil docs. No one has said they can’t distinguish between names and file objects. The point is that an example can be a concise demonstration of the concepts in a very practical way. What is wrong with providing this example?:

    with open("source.dat", "rb") as src_file:
        with open("destination.dat", "wb") as dest_file:
            shutil.copyfileobj(src_file, dest_file)

It quickly shows using the with statement, includes the “rb” mode that will be important, has variable names that help indicate what is happening, and is complete. It only takes three lines. What is your objection to including it?

I’m not sure what to make of the incorrect usage here. Would seeing this example have helped you?

>>> any([True, False])
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Yes, I missed that. I started with a tuple a = (True, False) and ended with a REPL example. :sweat_smile:

Providing repetitive examples would create never-ending documentation. That’s why I suggest creating useful tutorials and linking to them from the documentation.

Thanks for your valuable input, I would also be fine with a link to a useful tutorial on how to use the function, we all just need to create an agreement on where to put it and how.

I don’t think there is a good reason to omit examples. We can choose them judiciously so that they are not repetitive, and they will not create “never-ending documentation.” Examples are a good way to get people started playing with code themselves. If we are afraid pages will get too long, we are already discussing how to split up long pages into shorter more searchable pages.


See the previous discussion:

Since that discussion, many functions and methods with lots of arguments have been converted to use this “param list” style[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8], and more will probably follow.

If you spot a good candidate for the param list markup, feel free to submit a PR :slight_smile:

  1. sqlite3.connect() ↩︎

  2. ↩︎

  3. eval() ↩︎

  4. ftplib.FTP() ↩︎

  5. logging.Formatter() ↩︎

  6. multiprocessing.shared_memory.SharedMemory() ↩︎

  7. turtle.write() ↩︎

  8. typing.dataclass_transform() ↩︎

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You’re likely remembering Python Module of the Week: Python 3 Module of the Week — PyMOTW 3

Doug eventually collated and published those as a book: The Python 3 Standard Library by Example · Doug Hellmann

(There was discussion years ago about linking to PyMotW from the relevant stdlib pages, but the related questions of editorial control when the stdlib gets updated weren’t easy to resolve, so the idea lapsed into history)