Three month suspension for a Core Developer

Timeliness of intervention would be ideal and is what is missing. 100% agreed.

But that seems impossible without dedicated paid full time moderation staff that people don’t treat like %#&! and harass for their decisions or even existence.

Today what we have are a bunch of amazing volunteers who can occasionally spend a little bit of time on this for the good of the community.

If that is not enough, please make concrete practical proposals. Ideally ones that don’t involve telling other volunteers what they need to spend their valuable donated time doing instead of what they came here for.

Understood. I agree that is frustrating.

Is me stating that I can’t tell you everything more infuriating than deadening silence that people also complain about? There is no winning here no matter what is done (including doing nothing).

There are multiple layers of meaning and of whom has the ability to have seen what. The audience of this publicly readable forum is the entire world - not just committers. When I speak of things people don’t know in this case, its primarily the non-core-devs and non-mailing-list-mode discuss subscribers and non PSF list members who lack an ability to have seen the full picture and will never have it because they don’t have the level Discourse access here that us regular users do; they similarly likely do not have access to the private mailing list archives involved that I expect most core-devs do (or did, before so many people quit the mailing list in disgust, prior to it being locked into moderator mode). On top of that, conduct reports themselves, (which, other than any voluntarily cc’d by a reporter to the SC itself, the SC does not see), are always going to be private. By definition.