Trouble creating map with folium

I’m trying to create a simple map with folium using the Stamen Terrain view but I keep getting an error about TileLayer. It could be an outdated code, its from an old lecture:

import folium
map=folium.Map(location=[53.5, -113.5], zoom_start=12, tiles="Stamen Terrain")

Any help would be great, thanks!

From the folum pypi page i looked at its home page GitHub - python-visualization/folium: Python Data. Leaflet.js Maps. that lists documentation Folium — Folium 0.16.1.dev76+g2921126e documentation that is likely your best route to understanding the code.

Thanks Barry, the error I get is “custom tiles must have an attribution” but the line that I’m using is the exact format as any examples I can find for this folium map… I can t find any info about what further attribution I’m missing.

Is there a folum support channel documented?

Try Stadia.StamenTerrain, as can be seen on their showcase