TypeForm: Spelling for a type annotation object at runtime

FWIW, the proposed handling of TypeForm in combination with Annotated[...] is already defined to work that way, stripping out the metadata component:

count: int | str = -1
if ismatch(count, Annotated[int, ValueRange(1, float('inf'))]):
    assert_type(count, int)  # NOT: Annotated[int, ...]
    assert_type(count, int | str)

Sorry I didn’t understand this bit at all:

  • TypeForm[Generic[GenericArgs]] isn’t valid syntax because Generic[...] isn’t a type expression (or an annotation expression for that matter).

  • RE “typevariables can’t be bound to parameterized generics” I’d have to see an example to understand what you mean. And how is this limitation on type variables related to TypeForm?