Unable to append data to Json array object with desired output

Skipping ahead to your current and desired outputs:

 {'indicators': [{'value': '', 'type': 'ip'}]} {'providers': [{'provider': "['Bkav', 'CMC Threat Intelligence', 'CMC sarah ']", 'verdict': "['clean', 'legs', 'hate']", 'score': "['harmless', 'harmless', 'sarah']"}, {...}]}
 {'indicators': [{'value': '', 'type': 'ip'}]} {'providers': [{'provider': "['Bkav', 'CMC Threat Intelligence', 'CMC sarah ']", 'verdict': "['clean', 'legs', 'hate']", 'score': "['harmless', 'harmless', 'sarah']"}, {...}]}


 "provider":"['CMC Threat Intelligence']",
 "provider":"['CMC sarah']",

Your desired output is JSON format. But your current output isn’t
JSON. It is actually Python dicts and lists from this print()


So what’s going on is a little confusing, because they’re quite similar.
It isn’t helped by the fact that you’ve named your variables out_json
and out_json1 and similar. They’re not JSON, they’re plain old
Python dicts. But the names will be misleading you.

So let’s hardwire a small example:

 import json
 d = {'a': 1, 'b': [3,4,5]}

Let’s dissect that:

 import json

Import the json module, for obvious reasons.

 d = {'a': 1, 'b': [3,4,5]}

Define a small dict, with an entry with key 'a' whose value is the
value 1 and an entry with key ‘b’ whose value is the list [3,4,5].

Now, the dict isn’t “in JSON format”, or any format really. It is just
a data structure. But the Python syntax for writing out such a dict
directly looks a bit JSONish:

 {'a': 1, 'b': [3,4,5]}

If you wrote that value in (JSON format)[JSON - Wikipedia]
you might write:

 {"a": 1, "b": [3,4,5]}

and the most obvious difference is the quote marks. But JSON is
JavaScript compatible. Anyway, JSON’s a fiel format for
reading/writing values. The variable d itself isn’t “in JSON format”
or “Python syntax”; it is just a value.

Let’s get to the output:


When you call print(), it converts each of its arguments to a string,
and writes the strings with a space between each string. The variable
d is a dict, and str(d) is that same as repr(d) which is the
Python syntax for the dict. Thus the Pythonesque output.

Now the second print():


When that runs, it prints this:

 {"a": 1, "b": [3, 4, 5]}

That’s because json.dumps(d) returns a string with the value in JSON
format. ANd print converts that string into… exactly the same string,
because it’s already a string.

You want line breaks in your output. Looking at the documentation for
json.dumps here:

you’ll see it has a separators parameter. Have a fiddle with supplying
values for that parameter in your json.dumps() call and see how things

Cameron Simpson cs@cskk.id.au

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