What extras names are treated as equal and why?

Sorry for the late reply (I was actually reminded by an entirely unrelated thread elsewhere that wants to add a uncommon extra name…)

Yes, pip normalises all extra names when they come in with the same safe_extra() function. So

  1. Only ASCII alphanumerics, -, _, and . are allowed in an extra name.
  2. - and . are normalised to _ for comparison. So foo[my-bar], foo[my_bar], and foo[my.bar] are equivalent.
  3. Case is folded.

I think this would actually not cause any backwards compatibility issues for pip. Can’t say for other installers, but I don’t really care (they should’ve asked for a clarification like this thread before doing something different).

Does this count as a “small specification change” described in PyPA Governance - Specification Updates? I’d say let’s first send a clarification PR to PyPA specifications first, and write a PEP only if someone thinks it is required. :slightly_smiling_face:

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