What to do about GPUs? (and the built distributions that support them)

In my opinion this is the preferred solution. Going the conda way is a tremendous amount of work, and work that is already being done by for example Linux distributions who, I think, will typically do a better job at that. By declaring dependencies, anybody can integrate this into their distribution of choice on whatever operating system/architecture they would like to.

Note that Haskell (Cabal) allows for specifying pkg-config style dependencies. A certain Haskell on Nix distribution maintains mappings from pkg-config style dependencies to Nixpkgs “system” dependencies.

The package manager of the D language, DUB, also allows for specifying pkg-config style dependencies.

A short but interesting discussion for Rust/Cargo is also about pkg-config and states how it is a limited solution, for example not helpful on Windows, and so that there should be a way you can describe dependencies for different platforms using different tools. A module exists for Cargo that offers pkg-config support

What is needed is to declare:

  • native build inputs (tools)
  • build inputs, that is, run-time dependencies one links against and for which for example the headers need to be available during build-time.
    Ideally we’d also declare:
  • run-time dependencies one needs to invoke or by any other mean need to have available during run-time only

Some of these are already handled by backends such as meson and cmake. Therefore, we should maybe not duplicate such efforts and instead bless (a) certain backend(s) that handle these well. With meson one can for example invoke meson introspect --scan-dependencies /path/to/meson.build to get all declared dependencies. The metadeps package allows specifying pkg-config dependencies in a Cargo.toml.

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