What to do about GPUs? (and the built distributions that support them)

There has been a wild west in terms of x86_64 extensions but the psABI levels that I referred to are an attempt to tame that into something manageable. Those levels are now supported by multiple compilers and languages and are being used as the OS architecture for some Linux distros. It isn’t a combinatorial explosion because they are only defined for system V i.e. not Windows and for x86_64 i.e. not arm (and so not macos either). In practice only Linux wheels would use these on PyPI.

I imagine that most Python packages would not get much benefit from having more than an x86_64 wheel but some very particular packages would. On the other hand some packages might want to set e.g. x86-64-v2 as the minimum supported CPU and not bother providing wheels for plain x86-64.

An example I know of is python-flint where the underlying C library has optional features that are implicitly disabled by --host x86_64-pc-linux-gnu as is used for the Linux x86_64 wheels. Currently the only platform whose wheels include all features is macos arm64 because on that platform the wheels don’t need to be compatible with CPUs from 20 years ago. Being able to use x86-64-v3 would make it possible to enable some of those features and x86-64-v4 would enable all of them.

I would expect python-flint to provide x86-64, x86-64-v3 and x86-64-v4 wheels for manylinux if it were possible to do so. That would make the wheels more suitable for use in HPC environments which invariably run Linux, are likely to support v3/v4 instruction sets, and really do want maximum possible computing speed.

This is a bit of a tangent from the main discussion here but I just wanted to mention reasons besides GPUs to want to have more platform specificity than is currently possible. The problem of varying x86-64 capabilities that was discussed 10 years ago is still with us and has in fact become worse over time with newer CPUs and instruction sets. This case is different from GPUs in that it is not inconceivable to extend the list of hard-coded platform tags to accommodate the psABI levels rather than use an extensible system. A solution that would work for GPUs would likely also be able to handle this case though.