uestion ={
“Question”:“What is the captial of India?”,
“Question”:“What is RBI?”,
“Question”:“What is Bitcoin?”,
“Question”:“Who is Virat Kohli?”,
“C:Hokey Player”,
“D:Aam Aadami”],
“Question”:“Who is the father on nation?”,
[“A:Mahatma Gandi”,
“B:Mahatma Phule”,
“C:Sardar Patel”,
“D:Narendra Modi”],
{ “Question”:“who is Google CEO”,
“Options”:[“A:Narendra Modi”,
“B:Sundar Pichai”,
“C:Virat Kohali”,
“D:Mukesh Ambani”],
{ “Question”:“How many tyres in Bike?”,
score = 0
negetive_score = 0
for i in question:
if negetive_score == 3:
print(f"You Lost with the score{score}“)
question =i[“question”]
options = i[“Options”]
correct_answer = i[“correct answer”]
ans = input(f”{question}\nA) {options[0]}\tB) {options[1]}\nC) {options[2]}\tD) {options[3]}\n").upper()
if ans == correct_answer:
score +=1
negetive_score +=1
print(f"Congrats!You Won with the Score{score}")