Xlsxwriter: set_column with format not formatting dollar amounts

I have Python 3.11.9 on Windows 10.

I created a test program to write a small spreadsheet, columns E and F should be formatted as the format dlrformat but they aren’t. I have a header row and my understanding is that when using writer.sheets[sheetname].set_column('E:F', 12, dlrformat) then it formats the columns as given but ignores the first row, the header row. The header row (row 0) contains only text.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong here? The spreadsheet is getting written but no formats are applied to any column where .set_column() was used.

Here is my test program.

Install these first: pip install pandas xlsxwriter

Purpose: This writes a test spreadsheet called "test.xlsx". Columns D-E should be formatted as dollars but are not.

OUTPUT COLUMNS WITH TABLE and column headers of output file: 
- Sales Person Name and code 
- Proforma date 
- Job num 
- Proforma amount (this includes amounts of zero)
- Total cost 
- Proforma reason 
import inspect
import sys
import time

def savedataxlsx2(): 
    r'''Save proforma output data as Excel XLSX file.
    Add in column widths. 
    import pandas
    import xlsxwriter
    procname = str(inspect.stack()[0][3]) + ":" # Returns function name.
    maxcol = 6
    proformadatecol = 2
    DATASEP = r'\t'
    cnt = 0
    datadict = {}

    headersxl = ['Sales rep', 'Proforma date', 'Job id', 'Proforma amt', 'Cost', 'Reason']
    # Init datadict with values.
    datadict = {'12345': 'Jim Sales' + DATASEP + '12/1/24' + DATASEP + '12345' + DATASEP + str(130.8) + DATASEP + str(99.88) + DATASEP + "no reason",
    '12346': 'Joan Sales' + DATASEP + '12/2/24' + DATASEP + '12346' + DATASEP + str(1200.39) + DATASEP + str(500.31) + DATASEP + "no reason",
    '12350': 'Jane Smith' + DATASEP + '12/3/24' + DATASEP + '12350' + DATASEP + str(788) + DATASEP + str(650.01) + DATASEP + "Reason A"
    df = None # Dataframe
    fn = "test.xlsx" # Output spreadsheet to write.

    outdata = []
    sheetname = 'Sheet1'
    # Now append rest of data to outdata row-by-row.
    for key, val in datadict.items(): 
        if ((cnt % 200) ==0):
            print(f"{procname} Checking record {cnt} for long rows...")
        t = datadict[key]
        tlist = t.split(DATASEP) # Convert one row to a list. 

        while len(tlist) < maxcol:
            # print(f"{procname} Item {cnt} Appended blank to jobid {key}")
        if len(tlist) > maxcol:
            tlist = tlist[:maxcol]
            print(f"{procname} Cut too long array down for jobid {t}")
        outdata.append(tlist) # Save one row
        cnt += 1
    z = 0
        df=pandas.DataFrame(outdata, columns=headersxl) # Make a dataframe from the list of lists. 
    except ValueError as e: 
        print(f"{procname} Ignoring ValueError...")

    except Exception as e: 
        sys.exit(f"{procname} ERROR-dataframe2: {e}")

    if type(df) == None: 
        print(f"{procname} ERROR making dataframe.")
    (numrows, numcols) = df.shape
        writer = pandas.ExcelWriter(fn, engine='xlsxwriter', date_format='MM/DD/YYYY')
    except PermissionError as e:
        print(f"{procname} ERROR: Please close the spreadsheet before running this.")
    except Exception as e:
        sys.exit(f"{procname} ERROR on pandas.ExcelWriter: {e}")
        df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheetname, header=headersxl, index=False, freeze_panes=(1,0) ) # Save to file.
    except Exception as e:
        sys.exit(f"{procname} ERROR on df.to_excel: {e}")
    workbook = writer.book
    worksheet = writer.sheets[sheetname]
    header1 = "&L&F - &A"
    footer1 = "&LPrinted &D &T&RPage &P"
    myrange = f"A1:Z{numcols+1}"
    worksheet.ignore_errors({'number_stored_as_text': myrange})
    worksheet.set_landscape() # Set landscape
    worksheet.set_margins(left=0.7, right=0.7, top=0.7, bottom=0.7)
    worksheet.repeat_rows(0) # Set fixed row hdrs to repeat on every page. 
    # worksheet.repeat_columns(0)
    # worksheet.print_row_col_headers() # Sets to True.
    worksheet.set_print_scale(80) # Set pct size to print.
    # worksheet.set_zoom(80) # View zoom factor/scale, a whole number.
    # Add formats here.
    # Format Docs at https://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.io/format.html
    hdrformat = workbook.add_format({'bold':True, 'text_wrap':True, 'valign':'top', 'align':'left'})
    dlrformat = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '$0.00', 'align':'right'}) # For dollar amounts.
    numformat = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '0', 'align':'right'})
    dateformat = workbook.add_format({'num_format': 'mm/dd/yy'})
    red_text = workbook.add_format({'font_color':'red'}) # For (missing) cust code
    worksheet.conditional_format('D1:D' + str(len(df)), {'type': 'text', 
       'criteria': 'containing', 
       'value': '(missing)',
       'format': red_text})
    worksheet.conditional_format('A1:A' + str(len(df)), {'type': 'text', 
       'criteria': 'containing', 
       'value': '(missing)',
       'format': red_text})
    writer.sheets[sheetname].set_column('A:A', 25) 
    writer.sheets[sheetname].set_column('B:B', 10, dateformat)  # Date
    writer.sheets[sheetname].set_column('C:C', 15, numformat) # Job right aligned
    writer.sheets[sheetname].set_column('E:F', 12, dlrformat) 

    # Format rows in header only.
    for col_num, value in enumerate(df.columns.values):
        worksheet.write(0, col_num, value, hdrformat) # Write only row 0.
    # workbook.close() # Save the file
    # sz = getfilesize(fn) # in bytes
    print(f"\n{procname} Wrote file to {fn} ")
    z = 0 # DEBUG
    return fn


fn = savedataxlsx2()

Thank you.