

:wave: Hi there, Iā€™m Gabriele. Iā€™m originally from :it: and I currently live in :scotland:.

Iā€™m a senior software engineer at :chart_with_upwards_trend::dog: Datadog, focusing on :snake::microscope: Python observability. My background is in :atom_symbol: Physics and :abacus: Mathematics. I have an MSc in Theoretical Physics and a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics from the University of Glasgow.

I am the creator and maintainer of :floppy_disk: Austin, the frame stack sampler for CPython, and the author of :orange_book: Mathematical Quantum Physics: A Foundational Introduction and :orange_book: The Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning.

In my spare time, I enjoy :racing_car: Sim Racing and playing :red_circle::white_circle: Snooker, as well as learning and tinkering with new technologies.