2019 Steering Council Nominations Are Now Open

Nominations for the 2019 Steering Council Election are now open.

Nominations will close 2019-11-16 00:00:00 AoE (2019-11-16 07:00:00 EDT)

Per PEP 13, members of the Committers group can post to this category to nominate a person. All users are able to reply.

Nominations should be posted as a Topic with the name "Steering Council nomination: " and tagged with the election tag.

All Posts and Replies in this category will be moderated, so there may some delay before they appear.


What is the timeline? The PEP 13 says ā€œEach phase lasts one to two weeksā€. When do nominations end?

The nomination period was described in https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-committers@python.org/thread/4N6WEWVSE6JQ64KDFGQRWFG33MSHRMCK/

Iā€™ll update the initial post and category description with this information.

(And voting is December 1-15.)

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I donā€™t know how important the election tag is in the process, but I noticed most of the nominations didnā€™t have them. Iā€™ve added them.

What happens if there arenā€™t sufficient nominations? As far as I can see, PEP 13 is silent on that. (Weā€™re currently at 4 nominations for a 5-person council). Thereā€™s only 4 days left in the nomination period.

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I suspect weā€™ll get some last-minute nominations but Iā€™m also slightly concerned that there does appear to be little choice.

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FYI, Iā€™ve pinged the python-committers list about this, tooā€¦ Hopefully that flushes out a few of the pending nominations :slight_smile:.


It would probably help if current SC members who are not intending to renominate would explicitly state that. Otherwise we wonā€™t know who is stepping down until the very end of the nomination period.


I will be stepping down from the Steering Council.

This is a combination of the SC having completed the tasks I most wanted to be involved in (establishing our working relationship with the PSF, and updating PEP 1 for the new governance model, including ratifying the standing delegations to PyPA members), and also having other demands on my time and attention which resulted in my not being able to be as active and constructive a participant in the SC as I would have wished.