There have been people, mesmerized by the beautiful monads (and Rust), writing sheds that mimic these monadic behaviours in other (possibly, functional) languages.
I wonder if, without changing the grammar of Python, one can use either the descriptor protocol or one of the operator methods (e.g. ~) to mimic the ? operator in Rust, where it automatically expands into something like: if result is Err, return result.
Of course this has to be done at the C-API level.
I have seen how PyGenObject works at interrogating the PyInterpreterState and just wondering if it is even possible for a type to also interrogate the interpreter thread state and the current frame to return the Err variant of Result back to the function (with return value of type Resuly caller.
Moved to general discussion (aka Python help), as this proposal is premature. An idea generally needs to make a single, concrete proposal, as well as compare what is possible now with what would be enabled by the change.