About the Events category

What’s happening? Announcements of conferences, workshops, meetups, and other Python-related events.


Anybody is welcome to announce their event! To ensure a smooth spam-free experience, we have a few rules.

  1. No recruiting events.
  2. One post per event. For events of a cadence happening more often than once a year, use a single topic and inform of new editions as posts within the topic.
  3. The event must be directly related to Python. This is not the right communication channel for events where Python won’t be covered.
  4. The event can be located anywhere on Earth, including online. Use English to describe the event. You might add language-specific text after the initial English summary.

All topics are pre-approved by a moderator

Don’t wait until the last moment to announce your event. Include relevant information to expedite the process:

  • when
  • where
  • paid or free?
  • what’s the code of conduct used and how is it enforced

Consider adding your event to Python.org as well

That way it will appear on the events box on the front page of the website and on the events calendar page. See the entry on the Python Wiki on how to that.