AI Summarize PDF gets error reading PDF file

I have Python 3.11 on Windows 11.

  1. This is my 6th different program I’ve found on the internet to try and write something that will summarize a PDF locally.
  2. My PDFs were downloaded from Each one gets an error in byte position 10 but the byte value that the Python program doesn’t like varies.
  3. Can you get this to work with your own PDF file? I have tried 3 different files but they were all from Pubmed. A fourth file not from Pubmed also got the same error.

The latest error is: “ERROR: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte 0xe2 in position 10: invalid continuation byte”

Here’s my code.

Summarize a PDF. 


Install these: pip install nltk transformers

This gets error: 
pdf_text ='utf-8')
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xf6 in position 10: invalid start byte

from datetime import datetime
import inspect
import os
from os.path import exists
import pprint
import re
import sys
import glob # To get list of files.

import nltk
from transformers import pipeline

pdffile = r'data\_OceanofPDF.com_Tell_Your_Children_-_Alex_Berenson.pdf'
if not exists(pdffile):
    print(f"ERROR: File {pdffile} does not exist")
# First download essential NKTK corpora and models. 
print("Downloading models...")'punkt')'averaged_perceptron_tagger')

def summarize_pdf(file_path):
    procname = str(inspect.stack()[0][3]) + ":"

    # Read the PDF document
    with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
            pdf_text ='utf-8')
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"{procname} ERROR: {e}")
        # Tokenize the text into sentences
        sentences = nltk.sent_tokenize(pdf_text)
        # Combine the sentences into a single string
        document = ' '.join(sentences)
        # Initialize the BART summarization pipeline
        summarizer = pipeline('summarization')
        # Generate the summary
        summary = summarizer(document, max_length=150, min_length=30, do_sample=False)
        # Extract the summarized text
        summarized_text = summary[0]['summary_text']
    return summarized_text

print("Summarize pdf.")
outtext = summarize_pdf(pdffile)

How do I fix this error?

I’m stumped. Thank you.

It seems like you’re trying to decode the PDF as utf-8, but this isn’t necessarily the case–the PDF might contain all kinds of other data in it.

In this case, I’m guessing all of these PDFs contain lots of graphics (since they’re scientific publications), and you might be hitting that.

Yes, I see what looks like a logo image at the top of the first page which says “ResearchGate”.

So does this particular program require only text in the PDF then?

I have no idea, maybe? I haven’t used it.

You can take a look at doing something like this to extract the text from the PDF. (No experience using it but it’s worth a shot.)

Your bytes are pdf, not utf-8 text. Go to to get a pdf reader than can extra text from .pdf into a python string.

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