Annotation-based sugar for ctypes

Turn this:

class S(ctypes.Structure):
   _fields_ = [ ('a', ctypes.c_int), ('b', ctypes.c_char_p) ]

Into this:

class S(ctypes.Structure):
    a : ctypes.c_int
    b : ctypes.c_char_p

And this:

libm = ctypes.CDLL('')
pow = libm.pow
pow.restype = ctypes.c_double
pow.argtypes = (ctypes.c_double, ctypes, c_double)

into this:

libm = ctypes.CDLL('')

def pow(a: ctypes.c_double, b:ctypes.c_double) -> c_double:

It looks very interesting. I do not see any obvious objections, except possible conflicts with from __future__ import annotations and PEP 563. But dataclasses have to deal with it somehow.

Could you please open two separate issues for this? Do you volunteer to implement these features?


Rubicon does something similar; it might be instructive to see what their experience has been with runtime annotations as a FFI.

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I have an implementation in Python. It works but breaks a test so I will need a little bit of C.

Is it necessary to support some of the rarer features like bit fields and self-referential structs? They are always available through setting __fields__

Raise exception if both __fields__and annotations set.

May be a good idea to raise exception if decorated function body is not empty?

Function prototypes can be instantiated with a paramflags tuple, which specifies whether each parameter in argtypes is an input parameter (1), output parameter (2), or in-out parameter (3). Optionally, it can also specify a name and default value for each parameter, which allows the function to be called with keyword arguments. For example:

import ctypes
libm = ctypes.CDLL('')

pow_prototype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(
                    ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double,
pow_paramflags = ((1, 'x'), (1, 'y', 2)) # default to returning x**2
pow = pow_prototype(('pow', libm), pow_paramflags)
>>> pow(3)
>>> pow(3, 3)
>>> pow(x=3)
>>> pow(x=3, y=3)
>>> pow(y=3, x=3)

The parameter names and default values (if any) can be pulled directly from the annotated prototype. If a parameter flag isn’t specified it can be assumed to be handled as an input parameter. An output parameter or in-out parameter could be declared by annotating with a tuple (type, flag).

A function prototype also has a _flags_ value in addition to _argtypes_ and _restype_. The supported flag values are

FUNCFLAG_STDCALL = 0x00 # Windows only
FUNCFLAG_HRESULT = 0x02 # Windows only

The last two enable the use of ctypes.get_errno() and ctypes.get_last_error(). Generally scripts rely on the default function prototype of a CDLL, WinDLL, or PyDLL instance to set these flags, or a prototype factory function such as CFUNCTYPE(), WINFUNCTYPE(), or PYFUNCTYPE(). Maybe they could be supported in an annotated prototype as keyword-only parameters such as _stdcall_, _cdecl_, _hresult_, _pythonapi_, _use_errno_, and _use_last_error_. A function pointer also has an errcheck attribute, which is a function that gets called just before returning. Maybe this could be supported as an _errcheck_ keyword-only parameter. If any flag is defined, it will override the _flags_ of the default prototype of a CDLL instance. If a default _errcheck_ is defined, it will be the initial errcheck value of the function pointer.

Thanks for the suggestions!

I think only things that map naturally to annotations should be specified as annotations. The rest should just be added as arguments to the @library() attribute. No overloading of the function’s keyword-only arguments.

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Can people forbid creating the class in this way?

class S(dataclass):
    # some annotations

Will there be a switch?

I am more in favour of the decorator style

class S:
    # some annotations


class S(dataclass):
    # some annotations

The point here is:
Supporting “annotation define” and “_field_ define” in similar grammar is weird.

The first suggestion about Structure looks somewhat normal to me, though making type hints valuable at runtime seems a little bit non-uniform with all other Python type hints which are not meaningful at runtime. Also there is a need to maintain both syntaxes and make them mutually exclusive, but it’s up to you.

But the second suggestion with decorator is very confusing. Please imagine if you are a newcomer and trying to understand why there is an empty function, maybe I need to remove it. :wink: Static analysis may decide something similar. And what if I add some implementation instead of pass statement? Will it be ignored?

Another argument against the decorator is that a dynamic library is pretty low level object, while a decorator is something at high level: it’s typically a transformation of decorated function, but you suggest something different and strange. I think it’s not worth it.

Can I recognize that this discussion has been moved to Annotation-based syntax for ctypes structs · Issue #104533 · python/cpython · GitHub?

I have shared my thoughts there.