Announcement: pip 24.0 release!

On behalf of the PyPA, I am pleased to announce that the pip team has just released pip 24.0.

This is the first release of pip for the year 2024. You can read more about our versioning, deprecation policy, and release process here .


  • Automatically enable PEP 517 mode when --config-setting is used.
  • Support --config-setting for editables in requirement files.
  • Compatibility with legacy editable installs produced by setuptools 69.0.3.
  • --find-links performance improvement.

Please consult our changelog for more information.


As with all pip releases, a significant amount of the work was contributed by pip’s user community. Many thanks to all who have contributed, whether through code, documentation, issue reports and/or discussion. Your help keeps pip improving, and is hugely appreciated.


Stéphane Bidoul