Announcing UniDep: Unified Conda and Pip dependency management via pyproject.toml or requirements.yaml

Dear Python community, I am very excited to share this tool I have been building with you!

UniDep streamlines Python project dependency management by unifying Conda and Pip packages in a single system.

Handling dependencies in Python projects can be challenging, especially when juggling Python and non-Python packages. This often leads to confusion and inefficiency, as developers juggle between multiple dependency files.

  • :memo: Unified Dependency File: Use either requirements.yaml or pyproject.toml to manage both Conda and Pip dependencies in one place.
  • :gear: Build System Integration: Integrates with Setuptools and Hatchling for automatic dependency handling during pip install ./your-package.
  • :computer: One-Command Installation: unidep install handles Conda, Pip, and local dependencies effortlessly.
  • :office: Monorepo-Friendly: Render (multiple) requirements.yaml or pyproject.toml files into one Conda environment.yaml file and maintain fully consistent global and per sub package conda-lock files.
  • :earth_africa: Platform-Specific Support: Specify dependencies for different operating systems or architectures.
  • :wrench: pip-compile Integration: Generate fully pinned requirements.txt files from requirements.yaml or pyproject.toml files using pip-compile.
  • :lock: Integration with conda-lock: Generate fully pinned conda-lock.yml files from (multiple) requirements.yaml or pyproject.toml file(s), leveraging conda-lock.


Example requirements.yaml

Example of a requirements.yaml file:

name: example_environment
  - conda-forge
  - numpy                   # same name on conda and pip
  - conda: python-graphviz  # When names differ between Conda and Pip
    pip: graphviz
  - pip: slurm-usage >=1.1.0,<2  # pip-only
  - conda: mumps                 # conda-only
  # Use platform selectors
  - conda: cuda-toolkit =11.8    # [linux64]
  - ../other-project-using-unidep     # include other projects that use unidep
  - ../common-requirements.yaml       # include other requirements.yaml files
  - ../project-not-managed-by-unidep  # 🚨 Skips its dependencies!
platforms:  # (Optional) specify platforms that are supported (used in conda-lock)
  - linux-64
  - osx-arm64

unidep can process this during pip install and create a Conda installable environment.yaml or conda-lock.yml file, and more!

For a more in-depth example containing multiple installable projects, see the example directory in the repository on GitHub.

Example pyproject.toml

Alternatively, one can fully configure the dependencies in the pyproject.toml file in the [tool.unidep] section:

channels = ["conda-forge"]
dependencies = [
    "numpy",                                         # same name on conda and pip
    { conda = "python-graphviz", pip = "graphviz" }, # When names differ between Conda and Pip
    { pip = "slurm-usage >=1.1.0,<2" },              # pip-only
    { conda = "mumps" },                             # conda-only
    { conda = "cuda-toolkit =11.8:linux64" }         # Use platform selectors by appending `:linux64`
local_dependencies = [
    "../other-project-using-unidep",   # include other projects that use unidep
    "../common-requirements.yaml"      # include other requirements.yaml files
    "../project-not-managed-by-unidep" # 🚨 Skips its dependencies!
platforms = [ # (Optional) specify platforms that are supported (used in conda-lock)

This data structure is identical to the requirements.yaml format, with the exception of the name field and the platform selectors.
In the requirements.yaml file, one can use e.g., # [linux64], which in the pyproject.toml file is :linux64 at the end of the package name.

:question: FAQ

Here is a list of questions we have either been asked by users or potential pitfalls we hope to help users avoid:

Q: When to use UniDep?

A: UniDep is particularly useful for setting up full development environments that require both Python and non-Python dependencies (e.g., CUDA, compilers, etc.) with a single command.

In fields like research, data science, robotics, AI, and ML projects, it is common to work from a locally cloned Git repository.

Setting up a full development environment can be a pain, especially if you need to install non Python dependencies like compilers, low-level numerical libraries, or CUDA (luckily Conda has all of them).

Typically, instructions are different for each OS and their corresponding package managers (apt, brew, yum, winget, etc.).

With UniDep, you can specify all your Pip and Conda dependencies in a single file.

To get set up on a new machine, you just need to install Conda (we recommend micromamba) and run pip install unidep; unidep install-all -e in your project directory, to install all dependencies and local packages in editable mode in the current Conda environment.

For fully reproducible environments, you can run unidep conda-lock to generate a conda-lock.yml file.

Then, run conda env create -f conda-lock.yml -n myenv to create a new Conda environment with all the third-party dependencies.

Finally, run unidep install-all -e --no-dependencies to install all your local packages in editable mode.

For those who prefer not to use Conda, you can simply run pip install -e . on a project using UniDep.

You’ll need to install the non-Python dependencies yourself, but you’ll have a list of them in the requirements.yaml file.

In summary, use UniDep if you:

  • Prefer installing packages with conda but still want your package to be pip installable.

  • Are tired of synchronizing your Pip requirements (requirements.txt) and Conda requirements (environment.yaml).

  • Want a low-effort, comprehensive development environment setup.

Q: How is this different from conda/mamba/pip?

A: UniDep uses pip and conda under the hood to install dependencies, but it is not a replacement for them. UniDep will print the commands it runs, so you can see exactly what it is doing.

Q: I found a project using unidep, now what?

A: You can install it like any other Python package using pip install.

However, to take full advantage of UniDep’s functionality, clone the repository and run unidep install-all -e in the project directory.

This installs all dependencies in editable mode in the current Conda environment.

Q: How to handle local dependencies that do not use UniDep?

A: You can use the local_dependencies field in the requirements.yaml or pyproject.toml file to specify local dependencies.

However, if a local dependency is not managed by UniDep, it will skip installing its dependencies!

To include all its dependencies, either convert the package to use UniDep (:trophy:), or maintain a separate requirements.yaml file, e.g., for a package called foo create, foo-requirements.yaml:

  # List the dependencies of foo here
  - numpy
  - scipy
  - matplotlib
  - bar
  - ./path/to/foo  # This is the path to the package

Then, in the requirements.yaml or pyproject.toml file of the package that uses foo, list foo-requirements.yaml as a local dependency:

  - ./path/to/foo-requirements.yaml

Q: Can’t Conda already do this?

A: Not quite. Conda can indeed install both Conda and Pip dependencies via an environment.yaml file, however, it does not work the other way around.

Pip cannot install the pip dependencies from an environment.yaml file.

This means, that if you want your package to be installable with pip install -e . and support Conda, you need to maintain two separate files: environment.yaml and requirements.txt (or specify these dependencies in pyproject.toml or

Q: What is the difference between conda-lock and unidep conda-lock?

A: conda-lock is a standalone tool that creates a conda-lock.yml file from a environment.yaml file.

On the other hand, unidep conda-lock is a command within the UniDep tool that also generates a conda-lock.yml file (leveraging conda-lock), but it does so from one or more requirements.yaml or pyproject.toml files.

When managing multiple dependent projects (e.g., in a monorepo), a unique feature of unidep conda-lock is its ability to create consistent individual conda-lock.yml files for each requirements.yaml or pyproject.toml file, ensuring consistency with a global conda-lock.yml file.

This feature is not available in the standalone conda-lock tool.

Check out GitHub - basnijholt/unidep: Single source of truth with requirements for pip and conda and please ask me to clarify anything when its unclear!


How does this compare to hatch-conda or pdm-conda?

Great question! I will add this to the FAQ too.


The big difference with hatch-conda is that one separates Conda and Pip dependencies and either installs packages with Conda or with Pip.

One of the great things about UniDep is that one can still install any Python dependency (that exists on both Conda and Pip) completely without having Conda. You’ll just miss the non pip installable dependencies (such as system libraries), but these can often be installed via apt, brew, etc.

Like hatch-conda, unidep also integrates with Hatchling (in addition to Setuptools).


pdm-conda also either installs packages with Conda or with Pip. It is also is very tightly coupled to pdm and basically enables to include Conda packages in pdm’s lock file (pdm.lock). On the other hand, UniDep generates lockfiles using conda-lock or pip-compile. In addition, pdm-conda doesn’t really have any cross-platform support. For example, when running pdm add -v --conda numba it will add Numba to the lockfile for my current platform (osx-arm64) without an option to specify that I want it to work for linux64 too.

Differences with both

In addition, UniDep provides some extra functionality that makes it work nicely in monorepos or different OSes, e.g.,

  1. Create conda-lock.yml files for all packages with consistent sub-lock files per package.
  2. Have QoL improvement tools like, unidep install-all -e which will install all dependencies first with Conda, then remaining ones with Pip, and finally the local dependencies in editable mode with Pip too.
  3. Can create standard Conda environment.yaml files by combining the dependencies from many requirements.yaml or pyproject.toml files.
  4. Can specify whether certain dependencies only need to be installed on certain platforms (linux64, osx-arm64, etc.)

I will look more deeply into the differences shortly.

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Does it work for creating and publishing packages, or only for installing them locally?

You can still publish your package like you would do with any other pip package. During installation of that package, the Conda dependencies would not be installed.

As an example, I just switched home-assistant-stream-deck to use UniDep in this commit and released a new version on PyPI.

The difference in Dockerfiles is convincing; going from installing 21 different system packages to a single unidep install . call to get the same.

I add 2 Dockerfiles that highlight 2 different use-cases:

  1. Installing conda-lock.yml (generated with unidep conda-lock) and then pip install . the local package.
  2. Using unidep install . to install all dependencies, first with conda, then pip, then the local package.

Whenever someone will pip install home-assistant-streamdeck-yaml it is assumed that the non Python dependencies were obtained with different means already. The benefit of using UniDep is to setup a full environment from the repo.

I might have misphrased my question, but what I really wanted to ask was: does unidep help the user building and publishing packages?

Ah, I see. No, unidep does not help with packaging or publishing.

The main thing it does is

  • setting the Python dependencies during pip install
  • providing CLI tools to install Conda/pip/local dependencies with a single command
  • managing lock files (either conda-lock or pip-compile)
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Excuse me, maybe this is a stupid question: I thought that conda packages are generated from pypi packages. Is there conda packages that does not have a package on Pypi?

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Yes. Especially native libraries that are not packaged independently in PyPI (but bundled in wheels of dependent packages, if any). Plus, Conda has software in R and other languages too. Also, many packages are available precompiled in Conda channels but must be compiled when installed from PyPI.


Thank you. I commonly mix pypi, local, and conda packages in my virtual environments and I expect that UniDep will be very useful in managing these dependencies and reproducing environments on different machines.

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That is the perfect use-case! Let me know how it goes. I am more than happy to fix any problem you encounter :slight_smile:

Just a repo with other local packages as submodules would likely also work nicely. If you cannot convert all the local packages to use UniDep, check out this Q/A in the FAQ.