Another Item of groupbox disappear when insert an image

I have attached the code: please Help:
import sys
from math import sqrt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap

class Window(QDialog):
def init(self):
super(Window, self).init()
self.setWindowTitle(“Footing Design”)
self.setGeometry(400, 50, 800, 1000)

    widget = QWidget()
    layout = QVBoxLayout(widget)

    self.formGroupBox = QGroupBox("Footing Design Form")
    self.formGroupBox.setFixedSize(800, 1000)

    self.pushButton = QPushButton('Proceed', self.formGroupBox)
    self.pushButton.setGeometry(100, 650, 100, 30)

    # Load the image into a QPixmap and set it to a QLabel
    pixmap = QPixmap("C:/Users/TCC2/Desktop/a.png").scaled(100, 100)
    #self.pixmap = QPixmap("C:/Users/TCC2/Desktop/a.png").scaled(200, 200)
    #self.label = QLabel(self)
    #self.label.setFixedSize(200, 200)
    self.label = QLabel()

    # Create a vertical layout for the groupbox and add the label to it
    groupBoxLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.formGroupBox)


    # creating field to take input for dl
    self.dl = QLineEdit()
    self.dl.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # creating field to take input for ll
    self.ll = QLineEdit()
    self.ll.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # creating field to take input for asp
    self.asp = QLineEdit()
    self.asp.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # creating field to take input for cs
    self.cs = QLineEdit()
    self.cs.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # creating field to take input for ss = QLineEdit(), 20)

    # creating field to take input for ds
    self.ds = QLineEdit()
    self.ds.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # creating field to take input for dc
    self.dc = QLineEdit()
    self.dc.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # creating field to take input for df
    self.df = QLineEdit()
    self.df.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # creating field to take input for ft
    self.ft = QLineEdit()
    self.ft.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # creating field to take input for cs1
    self.cs1 = QLineEdit()
    self.cs1.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # creating field to take input for cs2
    self.cs2 = QLineEdit()
    self.cs2.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # creating field to take input for refss
    self.refss = QLineEdit()
    self.refss.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # creating field to take input for refsl
    self.refsl = QLineEdit()
    self.refsl.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # Display message start here
    # areaRequiredMessage for display the result of rfa value
    self.areaRequiredMessage = QLineEdit()
    self.areaRequiredMessage.setStyleSheet("background-color: #ffc512")
    self.areaRequiredMessage.setFixedSize(100, 20)
  # areaRequiredMessage for display the result of dps value
    self.refaMessage = QLineEdit()
    self.refaMessage.setStyleSheet("background-color: #ffc512")
    self.refaMessage.setFixedSize(100, 20)
     # areaRequiredMessage for display the result of dps value
    self.dpsMessage = QLineEdit()
    self.dpsMessage.setStyleSheet("background-color: #00ffff")
    self.dpsMessage.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # areaRequiredMessage for display the result of cps value
    self.cpsMessage = QLineEdit()
    self.cpsMessage.setStyleSheet("background-color: #00ffff")
    self.cpsMessage.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # areaRequiredMessage for display the result of dbs value
    self.dbsMessage = QLineEdit()
    self.dbsMessage.setStyleSheet("background-color: #a0cade")
    self.dbsMessage.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # areaRequiredMessage for display the result of cbs value
    self.cbsMessage = QLineEdit()
    self.cbsMessage.setStyleSheet("background-color: #a0cade")
    self.cbsMessage.setFixedSize(100, 20)
    # areaRequiredMessage for display the result of mul value
    self.mulMessage = QLineEdit()
    self.mulMessage.setStyleSheet("background-color: #ff7fff")
    self.mulMessage.setFixedSize(100, 20)
     # areaRequiredMessage for display the result of mul value
    self.musMessage = QLineEdit()
    self.musMessage.setStyleSheet("background-color: #ff7f7f")
    self.musMessage.setFixedSize(100, 20)
     # areaRequiredMessage for display the result of mul value
    self.aslMessage = QLineEdit()
    self.aslMessage.setStyleSheet("background-color: #ff7fff")
    self.aslMessage.setFixedSize(100, 20)
    self.assMessage = QLineEdit()
    self.assMessage.setStyleSheet("background-color: #ff7f7f")
    self.assMessage.setFixedSize(100, 20)

    # End of taking user inputs

    # creating combo box to select degree
    self.degreeComboBox = QComboBox()

    # calling the method that create the form

    # creating a dialog button for ok and cancel
   # self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel)

    # adding action when form is accepted
   # self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.footingAreaCalculation)
    #self.pushButton = QPushButton('Calculate', self)
    # adding action when form is rejected
    # creating a vertical layout
    mainLayout = QVBoxLayout()

    # adding form group box to the layout

    # adding button box to the layout
   # mainLayout.addWidget(self.pushButton)

    # setting lay out

# get info method called when form is accepted
def getInfo(self):
    print("cs2 : {0}".format(self.cs2.text()))

    # closing the window

# calculate necessary operation method
def footingAreaCalculation(self):
    dl = float(self.dl.text())
    ll = float(self.ll.text())
    asp = float(self.asp.text())
    cs = float(self.cs.text())
    ss = float(
    ds = float(self.ds.text())
    dc = float(self.dc.text())
    df = float(self.df.text())
    ft = float(self.ft.text())
    cs1 = float(self.cs1.text())
    cs2 = float(self.cs2.text())
    refss = float(self.refss.text())
    refsl = float(self.refsl.text())
    # Net allowable soil pressure in ksf nas,,

   # print("dl : {0}".format(self.dl.text()))
   # print("ll : {0}".format(self.ll.text()))
    #print("asp : {0}".format(self.asp.text()))
    #print("cs : {0}".format(self.cs.text()))
   # print("ss : {0}".format(
   # print("ds : {0}".format(self.ds.text()))
   # print("dc : {0}".format(self.dc.text()))
  #  print("df : {0}".format(self.df.text()))
    #print("ft : {0}".format(self.ft.text()))
   # print("cs1 : {0}".format(self.cs1.text()))
   # print("cs2 : {0}".format(self.cs2.text()))
   # print("refss : {0}".format(self.refss.text()))
   # print("refsl : {0}".format(self.refsl.text()))
   # print("dps : {0}".format(self.dpsMessage.text()))
   # print("cps : {0}".format(self.cpsMessage.text()))
   # print("sbs : {0}".format(self.dbsMessage.text()))
   # print("cbs : {0}".format(self.cbsMessage.text()))
   # print("mul : {0}".format(self.mulMessage.text()))
   # print("mus : {0}".format(self.musMessage.text()))
   #print("asl : {0}".format(self.aslMessage.text()))
   # print("ass : {0}".format(self.assMessage.text()))

    # B4-(B9*B7/1000)-(B10/12*B8/1000)
    # Calculate net allowable soil pressure calculation
    self.nas = asp - ((df * ds) / 1000) - ((ft / 12) * (dc / 1000))
    #print("refsl : {0}".format(self.nas))

    # required footing area in sft rfa,,

    self.rfa = (dl + ll) / self.nas

    #print("Required footing area in sft:{0}".format(self.rfa))

    # set areaRequiredMessage to display the result of rfa value

    # recommended footing area in sft

    refa = refss * refsl
    if refa<self.rfa:
        print("Please increase footing Area")

    # soil pressure at base in ksf spb,,
    spb = ((1.2 * dl) + (1.6 * ll)) / refa

    # effective footing thickness in inch,eft
    eft = ft - 4

    # punching shear check,,

    # acting total punching shear load in kip apl
    apl = spb * ((refss * refsl) - (((cs1 / 12) + (eft / 12)) * ((cs2 / 12) + (eft / 12))))
   # print("apl : {0}".format(apl))

    bnot = 2 * (cs1 + cs2 + (2 * eft)) / 12
   # print("bnot : {0}".format(bnot))

    # develop punching shear stress in psi dps
    dps = (((apl / (bnot * eft)) * 12) * 1000) / 144

    # conrete punching strength in psi cps,,
    cps = 0.85 * 4 * math.sqrt(cs * 1000)

    if dps < cps:
        print("Punching shear check okay")

        print("Failed against Punching shear")

    # Beam shear Check,,
    # acting beam shear load in kip abl
    abl = (spb * refss) * ((0.5 * refsl) - ((0.5 * cs2) / 12) - (eft / 12))
    #print("abl : {0}".format(abl))

    # develop beam shear stress in psi dbs
    dbs = (((abl / (refss * eft)) * (12 * 1000)) / 144)
    # conrete beam shear strength in psi cbs,,
    cbs = 0.85 * 2 * math.sqrt(cs * 1000)

    if dbs < cbs:
        print("Beam shear check okay")

        print("Failed against Beam shear")

    # Moment calculation,,

    # footing moment long direction in Kip-ft mul,,
    mul = spb * (refss - cs2 / 12) ** 2 / 8

    # footing moment short direction in Kip-ft mus,,
    mus = spb * (refsl - cs1 / 12) ** 2 / 8

    a1 = eft - sqrt(eft ** 2 - (2 * mus*12 / (0.85 * cs * 0.9 * 12)))
   # print(" --- a1 : {0}".format(a1))

    a2 = eft - sqrt(eft ** 2 - (2 * mul*12 / (0.85 * cs * 0.9 * 12)))
    #print(" --- a2 : {0}".format(a2))

    asl = (mul*12)/ (0.9* ss *(eft-a1/2))
    #print(" --- asl : {0}".format(asl))

    ass = (mus*12)/ (0.9* ss *(eft-a2/2))
   # print(" --- ass : {0}".format(ass))

    asmin = (200 * 12 * eft / ss)/1000
    #print(" --- asmin : {0}".format(asmin))

    if asl < asmin:
         asl = asmin
    if ass < asmin:
         ass = asmin

    # select bar size from drop down menu
    abardia12 = 0.18
    abardia16 = 0.31
    abardia20 = 0.44
    abardia22 = 0.59
    abardia25 = 0.79
    spacings12 = abardia12 * 12 / ass
    spacings16 = abardia16 * 12 / ass
    spacings20 = abardia20 * 12 / ass
    spacings22 = abardia22 * 12 / ass
    spacings25 = abardia25 * 12 / ass
    spacingl12 = abardia12 * 12 / asl
    spacingl16 = abardia16 * 12 / asl
    spacingl20 = abardia20 * 12 / asl
    spacingl22 = abardia22 * 12 / asl
    spacingl25 = abardia25 * 12 / asl

    print(" Short direction spacings(12mm) : {:.2f}".format(spacings12))
    print(" Short direction spacings(16mm) : {:.2f}".format(spacings16))
    print(" Short direction spacings(20mm) : {:.2f}".format(spacings20))
    print(" Short direction spacings(22mm) : {:.2f}".format(spacings22))
    print(" Short direction spacings(25mm) : {:.2f}".format(spacings25))
    print(" Long direction spacings(12mm) : {:.2f}".format(spacingl12))
    print(" Long direction spacings(16mm) : {:.2f}".format(spacingl16))
    print(" Long direction spacings(20mm) : {:.2f}".format(spacingl20))
    print(" Long direction spacings(22mm) : {:.2f}".format(spacingl22))
    print(" Long direction spacings(25mm) : {:.2f}".format(spacingl25))

    # development length
    devlens = 0.04 * abardia25 * ss / cs
   # print(" --- devlens : {0}".format(spacingl))

    devlenp = 0.5 * (refss * 12 - cs1 - 3 - 3)
    #print(" --- spacingl : {0}".format(spacingl))

    if devlenp > devlens:
        print("Development Length Check is Okay")
        print("Please check Development Length")

    # set areaRequiredMessage to display the result of dps, cps, dbs, cbs value
    # after float take 2 gigit
    #print("footing moment short direction in Kip-ft:{0}".format(mul))

    #print("footing moment short direction in Kip-ft:{0}".format(mus))
    # closing the window

#         self.close()

# create form method
def createForm(self):
    # creating a form layout
    layout = QFormLayout()

    # adding rows
    # creating label to take input for dl
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Total Dead Load (Kips)"), self.dl)

    # creating label to take input for ll
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Total Live Load (Kips)"), self.ll)

    # creating label to take input for asp
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Allowable soil pressure (ksf)"), self.asp)

    # creating label to take input for cs
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Concrete Strength (ksi)"), self.cs)

    # creating label to take input for ss
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Steel Strength (ksi)"),

    # creating label to take input for ds
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Density of soil (lb/ft3)"), self.ds)

    # creating label to take input for dc
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Density of Concrete (lb/ft3)"), self.dc)

    # creating label to take input for df
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Depth of foundation (ft)"), self.df)

    # creating label to take input for ft
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Foting thickness (inch)"), self.ft)

    # creating label to take input for cs1
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Column size short direction (inch)"), self.cs1)

    # creating label to take input for cs2
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Column size long direction (inch)"), self.cs2)

    # Area Required Message
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Area Required (SFT) "), self.areaRequiredMessage)

    # creating label to take input for cs2
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Recommended footing size short direction (ft)"), self.refss)

    # creating label to take input for cs2
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Recommended footing size long direction (ft)"), self.refsl)
     # creating label to take input for cs2
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Provided footing Area (Sft)"), self.refaMessage)
    # dps Message
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Develop Punching Shear Stress (PSI) "), self.dpsMessage)

    # cbs Message
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Concrete Punching Shear Strength (PSI) "), self.cpsMessage)

    # dbs Message
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Develop Beam Shear Stress (PSI) "), self.dbsMessage)

    # cbs Message
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Concrete Beam Shear Strength (PSI) "), self.cbsMessage)
    # cbs Message
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Moment in Long direction (K-ft/ft) "), self.mulMessage)
    # cbs Message
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Moment in Short direction (K-ft/ft) "), self.musMessage)
    # cbs Message
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Steel Area in Long direction ( "), self.aslMessage)
    # cbs Message
    layout.addRow(QLabel("Steel Area in Short direction ( "), self.assMessage)

    # setting layout

main method

if name == ‘main’:
# create pyqt5 app
app = QApplication(sys.argv)

# create the instance of our Window
window = Window()

# showing the window

# start the app

Please edit you post so that all the code is inside the code fences.

And try to reduce your code to the minimum needed to reproduce the problem. (Make a copy first.) The effort may give you your answer.