Any harm in idle threads?

okay. that’s looks a heck of a lot more elegant than i was anticipating. thank you very much. from what i gleaned, i’ve been tinkering:

import time
import threading
import random

inputSignal = False

def worker_function():
	print(3*f'-----------> working ')

def worker_thread(delay, event):
	#worker.wait()    #<-- this is only good until it enters the loop... duh...
	while True:
	  worker.wait()    #<-- if this is NOT set, it bails right here

def manage_function(event):
	print(f'\n||  inside management  ||')
	global inputSignal
	if inputSignal:  #<--toggles the worker thread
		print(f'=== worker enabled ===')
		print(f'=== worker disabled ===')

def management_thread(delay, event):
	while True:

def signalClock(interval):
	while True:

def getInputSignal():
	global inputSignal
	inputSignal = True if random.randint(0, 1) else False
	print(f'\n►► inputSignal: {inputSignal} ◄◄\n')
	return inputSignal

worker = threading.Event()

threading.Thread(target=worker_thread, args=(0.25, worker)).start()
threading.Thread(target=management_thread, args=(1.0, worker)).start()
threading.Thread(target=signalClock, args=(0.5,)).start()

while True:    #<-- main application loop
	print(f'main loop')

once the worker thread starts, when the worker.clear() is called, it doesn’t go back to waiting. what am i doing wrong? according to the docs, this should work:

Reset the internal flag to false. Subsequently, threads calling wait() will block until set() is called to set the internal flag to true again.

EDIT: turns out, i put the worker.wait() outside the loop instead of instead of inside the loop. i corrected the code to reflect this and commented the wrong line for contrast. and, of course, because of the different timings, it will take a few loops to pick up the change.

massive thanks to you guys for your helpful nudges. got me thinking, and thinking in the right direction.