(Nico Schlömer)
Consider the following parse-unparse sequence
import ast
content = """
f"{'.' * 5}"
The output of this code on Python 3.9 is
f"{'.' * 5}"
On Python 3.11, it’s
f'{'.' * 5}'
The latter output is not compatible with earlier Python versions, e.g., 3.9. Is there a way for unparse to produce better compatible code?
(Note I think you meant Python 3.12, not 3.11?)
In general, I don’t think ast.unparse
can guarantee anything about cross-compatible code.
For this specific case, technically speaking, it would be easy. You’d just have to revert some of gh-108469: Update ast.unparse for unescaped quote support from PEP701 [3.12] by tonybaloney · Pull Request #108553 · python/cpython · GitHub. I think it might be too late to change behaviour in Python 3.12 and 3.13 though
I wrote the original quote switching code, so let me know if I can help you