i have a code that works pretty well from command line but when launching by Apache web server via PHP, and Racket subprocess i got this error in the serer logs:
(Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/homebrew/var/www/drive/cut_1D.py", line 59, in <module> from_VTK = fb.from_VTK(data_path) ^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: module 'fibo' has no attribute 'from_VTK')
the original Python cut_1D.py code looks like that:
# before launch set : export PYTHONPATH=.:fibo
# python3.11 cut_1D.py data ./BepiColombo-Mio_MSO-orbit_1min_short.txt output
# added Damien Mattei
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import fibo as fb
import sys
#from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter as gf
# above is deprecated and will be removed
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter as gf
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
# Here you put hard-coded input parameters:
# -) tars = list of fields/scalars to cut along the trajectory
# -) cycle_min, cycle_max = limits of simulation cycle to cut
# -) word = char string to name output file
tars = ['B','rhoe0']
cycle_min = 5000
cycle_max = 8000
word = 'Mio'
# Here you the paths to 3 files using sys
data_path = sys.argv[1] # here you give path to run
traj_file = sys.argv[2] # here you give a trajectory in MSO coord
save_path = sys.argv[3] # here you give path to save extracted traj
# Here you define two routines to change coordinates
# MSO means Mercury-centered Solar Orbital, ie the frame to define a
# spacecraft trajectory
def coordinate_box_to_MSO(x,y,z):
x_mso = -(x - xc)/R
y_mso = -(y - yc)/R
z_mso = (z - zc)/R
return x_mso, y_mso, z_mso
def coordinate_MSO_to_box(x,y,z):
x_box = -(x*R - xc)
y_box = -(y*R - yc)
z_box = (z*R + zc)
return x_box, y_box, z_box
# Here you load simulation parameters from file SimulationData.txt
# using routine in fibo/mod_from.py
print('Loading simulation parameters (SimulationData.txt)')
from_VTK = fb.from_VTK(data_path)
x = np.linspace(0,from_VTK.meta['xl'],from_VTK.meta['nx'])
y = np.linspace(0,from_VTK.meta['yl'],from_VTK.meta['ny'])
z = np.linspace(0,from_VTK.meta['zl'],from_VTK.meta['nz'])
nx,ny,nz = from_VTK.meta['nnn']
xc = from_VTK.meta['xc']
yc = from_VTK.meta['yc']
zc = from_VTK.meta['zc']+from_VTK.meta['Doff']
R = from_VTK.meta['R']
# Here you open .txt with spacecraft trajectory and compute some stuff
print('Open .txt with spacecraft trajectory and compute some stuff')
tt, xx, yy, zz = np.loadtxt(traj_file,unpack=True)
d = np.sqrt(xx**2+yy**2+zz**2)
i_CA = np.where(d==min(d))
tt = (tt-tt[i_CA])
Vx_array = []
Vy_array = []
Vz_array = []
xx1_box, yy1_box, zz1_box = coordinate_MSO_to_box(xx,yy,zz) # doit etre la trajectoire du spacecraft
# Here you loop on the times of the simulations and on the tars to load
# the simulation data (the 3D cubes on data written in vtk), this is
# done using the routines get_vect and get_scal in fibo/mod_from.py
print('loop on the times of the simulations and on the tars')
for seg in from_VTK.meta['segcycles']:
if cycle_min<=seg<=cycle_max :
for tar in tars:
# open txt output file
file_out = open(save_path+'/trajectory-near_'+word+'_'+tar+'_'+str(seg)+'.txt','w')
file_out.write('#index\t X_MSO\t Y_MSO\t Z_MSO\t Vx\t Vy\t Vz\n')
# check if tar is a scalar (a bit hard-coded, can be changed)
if (('rho' in tar) or ('T' in tar)):
# load data using fibo/mod_from.py
# and interpolate onto the box grid
if (scalar==False):
Vect = from_VTK.get_vect(from_VTK.meta['name']+'_'+tar+'_'+str(seg),seg,fibo_obj=None,tar_var=tar,silent=True)
fx = RegularGridInterpolator((x,y,z), Vect[0])
fy = RegularGridInterpolator((x,y,z), Vect[1])
fz = RegularGridInterpolator((x,y,z), Vect[2])
elif (scalar==True):
Vect = from_VTK.get_scal(from_VTK.meta['name']+'_'+tar+'_'+str(seg),seg,fibo_obj=None,tar_var=tar,silent=True)
fx = RegularGridInterpolator((x,y,z), Vect)
# loop on trajectory points
for ii in range(0,len(xx)):
# print()
# print('ii=',ii)
# print()
# if the traj. point is inside the box
# interp field to traj. point
point = np.array([[xx1_box[ii],yy1_box[ii],zz1_box[ii]],[0,0,0]])
if (scalar==False):
elif (scalar==True):
# else point out of the box
# write on output file
# close txt output file
problem is at line 59 but in command line the code used to ran prefectly, i suppose some environment variable missing…
mode deeply the python source code is in fibo subdir init.py:
#! /bin/env python
# coding: utf8
from mod_from import from_VTK
from mod_phybo import phybo
import mod_get
import mod_axis
import mod_extract
import mod_calc
import mod_find
import mod_comp
import mod_draw
import mod_print
import mod_extra
class fibo (mod_get.fibo_get,
fibo is a python object designed to contain your simulation data and perform authomatically simple operations on it
all functions are designed for data arrays of the form [nx,ny,nz] (no other indeces, please - this is done to keep routines light and free from for cycles)
[fibo.data] means [str] in data or [np.ndarray(nx,ny,nz)]
def __init__(self,
fibo_name): #name of the set of data on which you work (part of simulation)
self.fibo_name = str(fibo_name)
self.data = {} #dict of np.ndarray(nx,ny,nz)
self.pnts = {} #dict of np.ndarray(3,points)
self.meta = {} #dict of meta_data - must be copied from the loaders
self.stat = {} #dict of statistical values
def help(self):
print("Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce bordel ?")
print('pippo = fb.fibo("pippo")')
print('pippo.data.keys() --> list of data available')
print('pippo.data["newname"] = pippo.data.pop("oldname")')
mod_from.py contains from_VTK :
#! /bin/env python
import collections
import codecs
import numpy as np
import os
import pickle
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.ndimage as ndm
import itertools as itt
import struct
import re
import time
import vtk
from vtk.util import numpy_support as VN
from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa
from vtk.numpy_interface import algorithms as algs
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
class from_VTK (object):
def __init__(self,
Creates the object to retrieve data from VTK files
Parameters :
- address [address] where your data are (folder with segs inside)
self.address = address
self.meta = {}
def get_meta(self, #counts lines in file and calls the appropriate function to get the meta data
extra_address = '',
silent = True):
fills the metadata list
extra_address = '' [address] to reach any subfolder where your meta-data are
silent = True [bool] don't you want to see all infos printed on shell?
with open(os.path.join(self.address,extra_address,'SimulationData.txt'),'r') as foo:
line_number = len(foo.readlines())
if line_number==35 : old_vers=True
elif line_number>35 : old_vers=False
self.meta['dx'] = self.meta['xl']/self.meta['nx']
self.meta['dy'] = self.meta['yl']/self.meta['ny']
self.meta['dz'] = self.meta['zl']/self.meta['nz']
self.meta['nnn'] = (self.meta['nx'], self.meta['ny'], self.meta['nz'])
self.meta['lll'] = (self.meta['xl'], self.meta['yl'], self.meta['zl'])
self.meta['ddd'] = (self.meta['dx'], self.meta['dy'], self.meta['dz'])
self.meta['ppp'] = (False, False, False) # HARD-CODED !!!
self.meta['x'] = np.arange(0.,self.meta['xl'],self.meta['dx'])
self.meta['y'] = np.arange(0.,self.meta['yl'],self.meta['dy'])
self.meta['y'] = np.array([0.])
self.meta['z'] = np.arange(0.,self.meta['zl'],self.meta['dz'])
self.meta['z'] = np.array([0.])
#----------get-time-infos-from all-vtk-files-----------------
segments = [f for f in os.listdir(self.address) if f.split('.')[-1]=='vtk']
for i in range(len(segments)):
if i == 0:
self.meta['name'] = segments[i].split('_')[0]
segments[i] = segments[i].split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]
segments = set(segments)
segments = map(str, sorted(map(int, segments)))
for seg in segments:
species = []
for isp in range(0,self.meta['nss']):
if self.meta['sQOM'][isp]<0 : species.append('e'+str(isp))
elif self.meta['sQOM'][isp]>0 : species.append('i'+str(isp))
self.meta['species'] = species
if self.meta['ny'] == 1:
self.meta['space_dim'] = '1D'
elif self.meta['nz'] == 1:
self.meta['space_dim'] = '2D'
self.meta['space_dim'] = '3D'
if not silent :
print('iPIC3D> cell number : ', self.meta['nnn'])
print('iPIC3D> domain size : ', self.meta['lll'])
print('iPIC3D> mesh spacing : ', self.meta['ddd'])
print('iPIC3D> periodicity : ', self.meta['ppp'])
print('iPIC3D> time step : ', self.meta['dt'])
print('iPIC3D> species : ', self.meta['species'])
for i in range(self.meta['nss']):
print(' '+species[i]+' charge-over-mass : ', self.meta['sQOM'][i])
def get_meta_A(self,
extra_address = ''):
extra routine, reads meta data from SimulationData.txt
old_vers = False [bool] is your simu older than 11/2021? means that I have changed the simulationdata.txt in ipic3d
extra_address = '' [address] to reach any subfolder where your meta-data are
#get mesh infos from SimulationData.txt
infos = open(os.path.join(self.address,extra_address,'SimulationData.txt'),'r')
infos.readline() #---------------------------
infos.readline() #- Simulation Parameters -
infos.readline() #---------------------------
self.meta['nss'] = int(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #number of species
for i in range(self.meta['nss']):
self.meta['sQOM'] = sQOM
infos.readline() #---------------------------
self.meta['xl'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #box physical dimensions
self.meta['yl'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1])
self.meta['zl'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1])
self.meta['nx'] = int(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #box grid dimensions
self.meta['ny'] = int(infos.readline().split('=')[-1])
self.meta['nz'] = int(infos.readline().split('=')[-1])
if not old_vers :
infos.readline() #---------------------------
self.meta['XLEN'] = int(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) # MPI procs grid
self.meta['YLEN'] = int(infos.readline().split('=')[-1])
self.meta['ZLEN'] = int(infos.readline().split('=')[-1])
infos.readline() #---------------------------
self.meta['xc'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #planet position
self.meta['yc'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1])
self.meta['zc'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1])
self.meta['R'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #planet radius
self.meta['Doff'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1])
infos.readline() #---------------------------
self.meta['SAL'] = int(infos.readline().split('=')[-1])
self.meta['Nsal'] = int(infos.readline().split('=')[-1])
infos.readline() #---------------------------
self.meta['dt'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #timestep
self.meta['nsteps'] = int(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #number of steps
infos.readline() #---------------------------
for i in range(self.meta['nss']):
infos.readline() #rho init species
infos.readline() #rho inject species
infos.readline() #current sheet thickness
self.meta['Bx0'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #Bx0
self.meta['By0'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #By0
self.meta['Bz0'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #Bz0
if not old_vers :
infos.readline() #---------------------------
self.meta['Vx0'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #Vx0
self.meta['Vy0'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #Vy0
self.meta['Vz0'] = float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1]) #Vz0
self.meta['vths'] = []
for i in range(self.meta['nss']):
self.meta['vths'].append(float(infos.readline().split('=')[-1])) #vth species
infos.readline() #---------------------------
infos.readline() #Smooth
infos.readline() #2D smoothing
infos.readline() #nvolte ?
infos.readline() #GMRES error tolerance
infos.readline() #CG error toletance
infos.readline() # Mover error tolerance
infos.readline() #---------------------------
infos.readline() #Results saved in:
infos.readline() #Restart saved in:
infos.readline() #---------------------------
# attention il y a plusieurs versions de cette function!!!
def get_scal(self,
fibo_obj = None,
tar_var = None,
double_y = False,
silent = True):
Reads scalar from .vtk file
Parameters :
- tar_file [str] target file to read (don't include '.vtk')
- seg [str] cycle of the simulation
- fibo_obj = None [None or fibo] fibo object you want to fill, else returns values
- tar_var = None [None or str] name the.variable will be given
- double_y = False [bool] was your file printed twice in y?
- silent = True [bool] print status at the end?
Returns :
- scal [fibo_var]
#create data vector, fill it!
data_file = open(os.path.join(self.address,tar_file+'.vtk'),'r', errors='replace')
if tar_var == None :
tar_var = data_file.readline().split()[0]+'%.8i'%int(seg)
else :
tar_var = tar_var+'%.8i'%int(seg)
data_format = data_file.readline()
data_structure = data_file.readline().split()[1]
self.meta['nx'], self.meta['ny'], self.meta['nz'] = map(int, data_file.readline().split()[1:4])
self.meta['dx'], self.meta['dy'], self.meta['dz'] = map(float, data_file.readline().split()[1:4])
data_file.readline() #NB here you have the nx*ny*nz preduct
if double_y : self.meta['ny'] = self.meta['ny']/2 #NB here you divide by two the box in y!
if data_structure == 'STRUCTURED_POINTS': reader = vtk.vtkStructuredPointsReader() #here you can add other readers in case
t0 = time.time()
t1 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: SetFileName',t1-t0)
t2 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: ReadAllVectors',t2-t1)
t3 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: Update',t3-t2)
vtk_output = reader.GetOutput()
t4 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: GetOutput',t4-t3)
if vtk_output.GetDimensions()[0] != self.meta['nx'] : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along x (Nx)')
if vtk_output.GetDimensions()[2] != self.meta['nz'] : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along z (Nz)')
if not double_y and vtk_output.GetDimensions()[1] != self.meta['ny'] : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along y (Ny) ; double_y=False')
if double_y and vtk_output.GetDimensions()[1] != self.meta['ny']*2 : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along y (Ny) ; double_y=True')
scal = VN.vtk_to_numpy(vtk_output.GetPointData().GetScalars())
t5 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: vtk_to_numpy',t5-t4)
if double_y : scal = scal.reshape(self.meta['nz'],2*self.meta['ny'],self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0) #recast flatten array to 3D array
else : scal = scal.reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny'],self.meta['nx']) .transpose(2,1,0)
if double_y : scal = scal[:,:self.meta['ny'],:]
if (fibo_obj != None) :
fibo_obj.data[tar_var] = scal
return scal
if not silent:
print('get_scal_from_VTK> data format : ', data_format)
print('get_scal_from_VTK> data structure : ', data_structure)
print('get_scal_from_VTK> grid dimensions : ', self.meta['nnn'])
print('get_scal_from_VTK> grid size : ', self.meta['lll'])
print('get_scal_from_VTK> grid spacing : ', self.meta['ddd'])
if (fibo_obj != None) :
print('get_scal_from_VTK> created fibo_obj.data['+tar_var+']')
def get_vect(self,
fibo_obj = None,
tar_var = None,
double_y = False,
Reads vector from .vtk file
Parameters :
- tar_file [str] target file to read (don't include '.vtk')
- fibo_obj = None [None or fibo] fibo object you want to fill, else returns values
- tar_var = None [None or str] name the.variable will be given
- double_y = False [bool] was your file printed twice in y?
Returns :
- scal [fibo_var]
#create data vector, fill it!
data_file = open(os.path.join(self.address,tar_file+'.vtk'),'r',errors='replace') # b , binary but bug after
print("DEBUG: mod_probe : tar_file =",tar_file); # added Damien Mattei
if tar_var == None :
tar_var_x,tar_var_y,tar_var_z = data_file.readline().split()[0][1:-1].split(',')
tar_var_x = tar_var_x+'%.8i'%int(seg)
tar_var_y = tar_var_y+'%.8i'%int(seg)
tar_var_z = tar_var_z+'%.8i'%int(seg)
else :
tar_var_x = tar_var+'_x'+'%.8i'%int(seg)
tar_var_y = tar_var+'_y'+'%.8i'%int(seg)
tar_var_z = tar_var+'_z'+'%.8i'%int(seg)
data_format = data_file.readline()
data_structure = data_file.readline().split()[1]
self.meta['nx'], self.meta['ny'], self.meta['nz'] = map(int, data_file.readline().split()[1:4])
data_file.readline() # ici ORIGIN
self.meta['dx'], self.meta['dy'], self.meta['dz'] = map(float, data_file.readline().split()[1:4])
data_file.readline() #NB here you have the nx*ny*nz preduct
if double_y : self.meta['ny'] = self.meta['ny']/2 #NB here you divide by two the box in y!
if data_structure == 'STRUCTURED_POINTS': reader = vtk.vtkStructuredPointsReader() #here you can add other readers in case
t0 = time.time()
t1 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: SetFileName',t1-t0)
t2 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: ReadAllVectors',t2-t1)
t3 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: Update',t3-t2)
vtk_output = reader.GetOutput()
t4 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: GetOutput',t4-t3)
if vtk_output.GetDimensions()[0] != self.meta['nx'] : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along x (Nx)')
if vtk_output.GetDimensions()[2] != self.meta['nz'] : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along z (Nz)')
if not double_y and vtk_output.GetDimensions()[1] != self.meta['ny'] : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along y (Ny) ; double_y=False')
if double_y and vtk_output.GetDimensions()[1] != self.meta['ny']*2 : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along y (Ny) ; double_y=True')
vect = VN.vtk_to_numpy(vtk_output.GetPointData().GetArray(tar_var))
t5 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: vtk_to_numpy',t5-t4)
if double_y :
vect_x = vect[:,0].reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny']*2,self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0)
vect_y = vect[:,1].reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny']*2,self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0)
vect_z = vect[:,2].reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny']*2,self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0)
else :
vect_x = vect[:,0].reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny'],self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0)
vect_y = vect[:,1].reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny'],self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0)
vect_z = vect[:,2].reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny'],self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0)
if double_y :
vect_x = vect_x[:,:self.meta['ny'],:]
vect_y = vect_y[:,:self.meta['ny'],:]
vect_z = vect_z[:,:self.meta['ny'],:]
if (fibo_obj != None) :
fibo_obj.data[tar_var_x] = vect_x
fibo_obj.data[tar_var_y] = vect_y
fibo_obj.data[tar_var_z] = vect_z
else: return np.array([vect_x, vect_y, vect_z])
if not silent:
print('get_vect_from_VTK> data format : ', data_format)
print('get_vect_from_VTK> data structure : ', data_structure)
print('get_vect_from_VTK> grid dimensions : ', self.meta['nnn'])
print('get_vect_from_VTK> grid size : ', self.meta['lll'])
print('get_vect_from_VTK> grid spacing : ', self.meta['ddd'])
if (fibo_obj != None) :
print('get_vect_from_VTK> created fibo_obj.data['+tar_var_x+']')
print('get_vect_from_VTK> created fibo_obj.data['+tar_var_y+']')
print('get_vect_from_VTK> created fibo_obj.data['+tar_var_z+']')
class from_HDF5 (object):
def __init__(self,
Creates the object to retrieve data from HDF5 files
Parameters :
- address [address] where your data are (folder with segs inside)
self.address = address
self.meta = {}
def get_scal(self,
fibo_obj = None,
tar_var = None,
double_y = False,
silent = True):
Reads scalar from .h5 file
Parameters :
- tar_file [str] target file to read (don't include '.h5')
- seg [str] cycle of the simulation
- path [str] path to field inside hdf5 dictionary
- fibo_obj = None [None or fibo] fibo object you want to fill, else returns values
- tar_var = None [None or str] name the.variable will be given
- double_y = False [bool] was your file printed twice in y?
- silent = True [bool] print status at the end?
Returns :
- scal [fibo_var]
#create data vector, fill it!
data_file = h5.File(os.path.join(self.address,tar_file+'.h5'),'r')
tar_var = tar_var+'%.8i'%int(seg)
scal = data_file[path]
if vtk_output.GetDimensions()[0] != self.meta['nx'] : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along x (Nx)')
if vtk_output.GetDimensions()[2] != self.meta['nz'] : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along z (Nz)')
if not double_y and vtk_output.GetDimensions()[1] != self.meta['ny'] : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along y (Ny) ; double_y=False')
if double_y and vtk_output.GetDimensions()[1] != self.meta['ny']*2 : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along y (Ny) ; double_y=True')
scal = VN.vtk_to_numpy(vtk_output.GetPointData().GetScalars())
t5 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: vtk_to_numpy',t5-t4)
if double_y : scal = scal.reshape(self.meta['nz'],2*self.meta['ny'],self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0) #recast flatten array to 3D array
else : scal = scal.reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny'],self.meta['nx']) .transpose(2,1,0)
if double_y : scal = scal[:,:self.meta['ny'],:]
if (fibo_obj != None) :
fibo_obj.data[tar_var] = scal
return scal
if not silent:
print('get_scal_from_VTK> data format : ', data_format)
print('get_scal_from_VTK> data structure : ', data_structure)
print('get_scal_from_VTK> grid dimensions : ', self.meta['nnn'])
print('get_scal_from_VTK> grid size : ', self.meta['lll'])
print('get_scal_from_VTK> grid spacing : ', self.meta['ddd'])
if (fibo_obj != None) :
print('get_scal_from_VTK> created fibo_obj.data['+tar_var+']')
# attention il y a plusieurs versions de cette function!!! celle dessous ne devrait pas etre lancee
def get_vect(self,
fibo_obj = None,
tar_var = None,
double_y = False,
Reads vector from .vtk file
Parameters :
- tar_file [str] target file to read (don't include '.vtk')
- fibo_obj = None [None or fibo] fibo object you want to fill, else returns values
- tar_var = None [None or str] name the.variable will be given
- double_y = False [bool] was your file printed twice in y?
Returns :
- scal [fibo_var]
#create data vector, fill it!
data_file = open(os.path.join(self.address,tar_file+'.vtk'),'r')
if tar_var == None :
tar_var_x,tar_var_y,tar_var_z = data_file.readline().split()[0][1:-1].split(',')
tar_var_x = tar_var_x+'%.8i'%int(seg)
tar_var_y = tar_var_y+'%.8i'%int(seg)
tar_var_z = tar_var_z+'%.8i'%int(seg)
else :
tar_var_x = tar_var+'_x'+'%.8i'%int(seg)
tar_var_y = tar_var+'_y'+'%.8i'%int(seg)
tar_var_z = tar_var+'_z'+'%.8i'%int(seg)
data_format = data_file.readline()
data_structure = data_file.readline().split()[1]
self.meta['nx'], self.meta['ny'], self.meta['nz'] = map(int, data_file.readline().split()[1:4])
self.meta['dx'], self.meta['dy'], self.meta['dz'] = map(float, data_file.readline().split()[1:4])
data_file.readline() # vtk version 5.1 ici ORIGIN
data_file.readline() #NB here you have the nx*ny*nz preduct
if double_y : self.meta['ny'] = self.meta['ny']/2 #NB here you divide by two the box in y!
if data_structure == 'STRUCTURED_POINTS': reader = vtk.vtkStructuredPointsReader() #here you can add other readers in case
t0 = time.time()
t1 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: SetFileName',t1-t0)
t2 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: ReadAllVectors',t2-t1)
t3 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: Update',t3-t2)
vtk_output = reader.GetOutput()
t4 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: GetOutput',t4-t3)
if vtk_output.GetDimensions()[0] != self.meta['nx'] : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along x (Nx)')
if vtk_output.GetDimensions()[2] != self.meta['nz'] : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along z (Nz)')
if not double_y and vtk_output.GetDimensions()[1] != self.meta['ny'] : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along y (Ny) ; double_y=False')
if double_y and vtk_output.GetDimensions()[1] != self.meta['ny']*2 : print('ERROR: wrong number of cells along y (Ny) ; double_y=True')
vect = VN.vtk_to_numpy(vtk_output.GetPointData().GetArray(tar_var))
t5 = time.time()
print('DEBUG: vtk_to_numpy',t5-t4)
if double_y :
vect_x = vect[:,0].reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny']*2,self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0)
vect_y = vect[:,1].reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny']*2,self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0)
vect_z = vect[:,2].reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny']*2,self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0)
else :
vect_x = vect[:,0].reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny'],self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0)
vect_y = vect[:,1].reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny'],self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0)
vect_z = vect[:,2].reshape(self.meta['nz'],self.meta['ny'],self.meta['nx']).transpose(2,1,0)
if double_y :
vect_x = vect_x[:,:self.meta['ny'],:]
vect_y = vect_y[:,:self.meta['ny'],:]
vect_z = vect_z[:,:self.meta['ny'],:]
if (fibo_obj != None) :
fibo_obj.data[tar_var_x] = vect_x
fibo_obj.data[tar_var_y] = vect_y
fibo_obj.data[tar_var_z] = vect_z
else: return np.array([vect_x, vect_y, vect_z])
if not silent:
print('get_vect_from_VTK> data format : ', data_format)
print('get_vect_from_VTK> data structure : ', data_structure)
print('get_vect_from_VTK> grid dimensions : ', self.meta['nnn'])
print('get_vect_from_VTK> grid size : ', self.meta['lll'])
print('get_vect_from_VTK> grid spacing : ', self.meta['ddd'])
if (fibo_obj != None) :
print('get_vect_from_VTK> created fibo_obj.data['+tar_var_x+']')
print('get_vect_from_VTK> created fibo_obj.data['+tar_var_y+']')
print('get_vect_from_VTK> created fibo_obj.data['+tar_var_z+']')
again there is no error on the command line.
note that if i unset PYTHONPATH on command line i got a relative error but not exactly the same:
(base) mattei@MacBook-Pro-Touch-Bar drive % unset PYTHONPATH
(base) mattei@MacBook-Pro-Touch-Bar drive % time python3.11 cut_1D.py data ./BepiColombo-Mio_MSO-orbit_1min_short.txt output
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/mattei/drive/cut_1D.py", line 8, in <module>
import fibo as fb
File "/Users/mattei/drive/fibo/__init__.py", line 19, in <module>
from mod_from import from_VTK
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mod_from'
python3.11 cut_1D.py data ./BepiColombo-Mio_MSO-orbit_1min_short.txt output 1,81s user 0,45s system 381% cpu 0,591 total
Racket code that launch Python process looks like that:
;; setting Python paths
(define python-path (getenv "PYTHONPATH"))
(display "interpole-fields : PYTHONPATH=") (display python-path) (newline)
(when (not python-path)
(display "interpole-fields : setting PYTHONPATH") (newline)
(putenv "PYTHONPATH" ".:fibo")
{python-path <- (getenv "PYTHONPATH")}
(display "interpole-fields : PYTHONPATH=") (display python-path) (newline))
(define-values (subby stdout stdin stderr) (subprocess #f #f #f
"../Data" ;"data"
(display "subby=") (display subby) (newline)
(subprocess-wait subby)
(define err-lns (port->lines stderr))
(display err-lns) (newline)
(define len-err-lns (length err-lns))
(display "number of lines in stderr=") (display len-err-lns) (newline)
and PHP code look like this:
$this->cmd= "./drive/interpole_fields";
$this->warning .= " SCHEME+ command=".$this->cmd;
$message=exec($this->cmd." 0>&1",$outp,$retc); // execute the command line
// $message=exec($this->cmd." 2>&1",$outp,$retc);
$msg = $msg.$message.'['.$retc.']|'; // concatenate return message
$tmp3=print_r($outp, true);
file_put_contents('php://stderr', print_r("GeneralReturn : msg=$msg\n tmp3=$tmp3\n", TRUE));