Better fitting method than curve fit?

Dear all,

I am working on an astronomy project, but to explain in relevant and layman’s terms, I am attempting to fit data, calculated from an equation using four parameters as open parameters, to observed data in order to calculate a realistic value for one of the open parameters. For the open parameters, I used a grid search based approach to iterate over initial values within the bounds of what is physically possible for the parameters. Here is the simplest version of my code:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import pygyre as pg

delta_pg = 125
delta_nu = 32

# Function to extract frequencies and radial orders from the summary file
def read_frequencies_and_orders(summary_file):
    s = pg.read_output(summary_file)
    l_values = s['l']  # Angular degree
    n_pg_values = s['n_pg']  # Radial order
    freq_values = s['freq'].real  # Frequencies in micro Hertz
    return l_values, n_pg_values, freq_values

# Read the frequencies and radial orders from the summary file
summary_file = 'summary.h5'
l_values, n_pg_values, nu_values = read_frequencies_and_orders(summary_file)

# Filter to only include l=1 modes
l1_indices = np.where(l_values == 1)[0]
n_values = n_pg_values[l1_indices]
nu_values_l1 = nu_values[l1_indices]

# Filter to include l=0 modes for calculating the uncoupled p-mode frequencies
l0_indices = np.where(l_values == 0)[0]
nu_values_l0 = nu_values[l0_indices]

# Calculate uncoupled p-mode frequencies as the midpoint between consecutive l=0 modes
nu_np_l1 = []
for i in range(len(nu_values_l0) - 1):
    mid_point = (nu_values_l0[i] + nu_values_l0[i + 1]) / 2
nu_np_l1 = np.array(nu_np_l1)

# Truncate nu_values_l1 to match the length of nu_np_l1
nu_values_l1 = nu_values_l1[:len(nu_np_l1)]

# Asymptotic relation for mixed modes with flexible delta_pg and delta_nu
def mixed_mode_relation(nu, epsilon_g, q, delta_pg_flex, delta_nu_flex):
    term1 = np.pi * (1 / (delta_pg_flex * nu) - epsilon_g)
    return nu_np_l1 + (delta_nu_flex / np.pi) * np.arctan(q * np.tan(term1))

# Perform a grid search over possible values of q and epsilon
q_grid = np.linspace(0.000001, 1, 100)  # grid for q
epsilon_grid = np.linspace(0.00001, 1, 100)  # grid for epsilon

# Define a function to calculate residuals
def calculate_residuals(nu_values, epsilon, q):
    predicted_nu = mixed_mode_relation(nu_values, epsilon, q, delta_pg, delta_nu)
    return np.sum((nu_values - predicted_nu) ** 2)

# Perform grid search
best_q = 0
best_epsilon = 0
min_residuals = float('inf')

for epsilon in epsilon_grid:
    for q in q_grid:
        residuals = calculate_residuals(nu_values_l1, epsilon, q)
        if residuals < min_residuals:
            min_residuals = residuals
            best_q = q
            best_epsilon = epsilon

print(f'Grid Search Results: Best q = {best_q}, Best epsilon = {best_epsilon}')

# Bounds for delta_pg and delta_nu to allow small flexibility
delta_pg_bounds = [delta_pg * 0.95, delta_pg * 1.05]
delta_nu_bounds = [delta_nu * 0.95, delta_nu * 1.05]

# Use least-squares fitting to refine the estimates with flexible delta_pg and delta_nu
popt, pcov = curve_fit(
    lambda nu, epsilon, q, delta_pg_flex, delta_nu_flex: mixed_mode_relation(nu, epsilon, q, delta_pg_flex, delta_nu_flex), 
    p0=[best_epsilon, best_q, delta_pg, delta_nu], 
    bounds=([0, 0, delta_pg_bounds[0], delta_nu_bounds[0]], [np.inf, 1.0, delta_pg_bounds[1], delta_nu_bounds[1]])

epsilon_fit, q_fit, delta_pg_fit, delta_nu_fit = popt

# Print the fitted parameters
print(f"Fitted epsilon: {epsilon_fit}")
print(f"Fitted q: {q_fit}")
print(f"Fitted delta_pg: {delta_pg_fit}")
print(f"Fitted delta_nu: {delta_nu_fit}")

# Calculate the fitted frequencies
nu_fitted = mixed_mode_relation(nu_values_l1, epsilon_fit, q_fit, delta_pg_fit, delta_nu_fit)

# Plot the observed and fitted frequencies
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(nu_values_l1, nu_values_l1, 'bo', label='Observed Frequencies')
plt.plot(nu_values_l1, nu_fitted, 'r+', label=f'Fitted Frequencies, q = {q_fit:.4f}')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (micro Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Frequency (micro Hz)')
plt.title('Observed vs Fitted Frequencies for l=1 Modes')

However, the fitted values (red) have huge discrepancies with the observed values (blue), and my q value is off from where I expect (0 - 0.5):

When I change my q bounds to (0 - 0.5), I get this error:

ValueError: `x0` is infeasible.

Assuming all the astrophysics is correct, is there perhaps a better way to calculate the fitting besides scipy.curve_fit?

If it is relevant for the fitting, here is the form of the equation I am using for the calculated data in non-Python form

Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 2.30.02 PM

Here is also a link to the observed data (under the freq column), if you would like to test the fit for yourself.

In your plotting call for Observed Frequencies, you are using the same variable forr x and y values. I don’t think that’s correct.

I just want to compare the difference between both values as a diagnostic of the fit.

Have you read the documentation of curve_fit and followed the recommendations there?

Users should ensure that inputs xdata, ydata, and the output of f are float64, or else the optimization may return incorrect results.

Your xdata and ydata come from pygyre. Is it in the correct format?

Parameters to be fitted must have similar scale. Differences of multiple orders of magnitude can lead to incorrect results. For the ‘trf’ and ‘dogbox’ methods, the x_scale keyword argument can be used to scale the parameters.

The scales of your parameters differ by more than two orders of magnitude (epsilon ~0.5, delta_pg ~100). Try using x_scale and see if it makes a difference.

Your xdata and ydata come from pygyre. Is it in the correct format?

The data was indeed in floats, but just to be safe, I added the conversion:

l_values = s['l'].astype(np.float64)  # Ensure float64 type

n_pg_values = s[‘n_pg’].astype(np.float64) # Ensure float64 type
freq_values = s[‘freq’].real.astype(np.float64) # Ensure float64 type

The scales of your parameters differ by more than two orders of magnitude (epsilon ~0.5, delta_pg ~100). Try using x_scale and see if it makes a difference.

Here is the result after adding x_scale